Full-field swept-source optical coherence tomography supplemented by the STOC manipulation. (a) A light from the rapidly tunable laser ( nm) is linearly polarized and split into the object and reference arms. Optical field in the object path is modulated in time by phase masks displayed on the spatial light modulator (SLM). The modulated light illuminates the sample covered by the layer inducing cross-talk-generated noise (Distorting Layer, DL). A light back-reflected from the sample is then recombined with the reference field and the resulting superposition is recorded by a two-dimensional camera. Abbreviations: SM – single mode optical fiber; C – collimator; P1 polarizer (0 degree polarization); BS1, BS2, BS3, BS4 – non-polarizing beam splitters (50:50); SLM – spatial light modulator; L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7 – lenses; M1, M2 – flat mirrors; MOb – microscope objective; D1, D2 – diaphragms; DF – density filter; DL – distorting layer, DC – dispersion compensation module; * – conjugated planes. (b) Synchronization of light modulation with data acquisition. A phase mask is displayed on the spatial light modulator (SLM), and modulates the light from a tunable laser at every instantaneous wavelength () leading to the corresponding spectral fringe pattern recorded at the 2D camera. The above process is repeated for consecutive phase masks until the last phase mask is reached.