a) Simulated displacement field of the fundamental defect modes and zoom on the defect (inset). b) Absolute value of mode curvature and zoom on the defect (inset). c) Simulated displacement along a vertical line through the defect (blue points). The red curve is an exponential function as a guide to the eye, while the grey curve represents a simplistic model of an exponentially decaying sinusoid (see text). d) Absolute value of mode curvature (blue line) along the same section as c). Curvature is normalised to the square-root of the total stored energy in the resonator. Also shown, for comparison, is the normalised curvature of a square membrane with the same frequency (grey line). Inset is a zoom on the membrane clamp, revealing the exceedingly large curvature of a rigidly clamped membrane, which is absent with soft clamping. e) Compilation of measured (transparent markers and errorbars, indicating standard deviations) and simulated (hollow circles) quality factors, normalised to a2/h, consistent with the observed scaling with the corresponding quantities for h = {35 nm, 66 nm, 121 nm}.