Fig. 3. Mechanotransduction in sensory neurons overexpressing ANXA6.
Sensory neurons from WT mice were cultured and transfected with a human ANXA6-pIRES2-tdTomato construct or the corresponding pIRES2-tdTomato empty vector (EV). Only neurons expressing tdTomato were selected for mechano-clamp experiments. (A) Membrane capacitance of control and ANXA6-overexpressing neurons. (B) Distribution of the recorded neurons based on the MA current displayed. (C) Minimal stimulation intensity required to elicit a >40-pA MA current in control and ANXA6-overexpressing neurons. (D) Maximum current density (Imax/Cm) recorded in control and Anxa6-overexpressing neurons. (E to H) Current density plotted against the displacement of the mechanical probe for RA (E), IA (F), and SA (g) currents and merged transient RA/IA currents (H). (A, C, and D) *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, EV compared to ANXA6 by two-way ANOVA followed by Fisher’s LSD multiple comparisons test. (B) χ2 contingency test P = 0.7452. (E to H) Two-way ANOVA P = 0.97, 0.0004, <0.0001, and <0.0001 for SA, RA, IA, and RA/IA, respectively. n values are given in (B) and represent the number of neurons.