Dopamine D1 receptor activation mimics light-adapted reductions in local light-evoked inhibition. A: example light-evoked inhibitory postsynaptic currents (L-IPSCs) in dark-adapted (black) and SKF38393 (SKF; dark gray) conditions in response to a 1-s, 25-µm bar, centered on the cell. Light gray bar indicates the stimulus presentation. B: average response charge transfer, normalized (Norm.) to the dark-adapted response, in SKF (n = 7) and light-adapted conditions (n = 14). Brackets indicate comparison with dark-adapted condition (dotted line). C: same conditions as B for average response peak amplitude in SKF and light-adapted conditions (n = 12). D: same conditions as B for average percentage change in the transient component of the L-IPSC in SKF and light-adapted (n = 13) conditions. resp., Response. Light-adapted data were adapted from Mazade and Eggers (2016), Fig. 2, for comparison. Error bars are ±SE, and significance was calculated with the Wilcoxon rank sum test (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001).