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. 2019 Apr 26;14(4):e0215389. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215389

Table 5. Top 10 upstream regulators of genes also regulated by Pgrmc1 in N42 hypothalamic cells.

Regulators shown in boldface type are steroids, steroid receptors or molecules known to regulate steroid synthesis or activities. Those shown in italic boldface are known to be regulated by Pgrmc1 or P4.

Upstream Regulator Direction of Change Symbol Molecule Type P-Value of Overlap
β-Estradiol Activated E2 Steroid transcription regulator 2.94E-14
E2F transcription factor 8 E2f8 Transcription regulator 6.94E-10
Sterol regulatory element binding factor (Srebf) cleavage-activating protein Activated Scap Chaperone protein 8.38E-09
Transforming growth factor β1 Activated Tgfβ1 Cytokine; growth factor 1.42E-08
Huntington Htt Transcription regulator 1.92E-07
Sterol regulatory element binding factor Activated Srebf2 Transcription regulator 3.04E-07
E2F7 transcription factor 7 E2f7 Transcription regulator 5.99E-07
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor Activated Bdnf Nerve growth factor 1.48E-06
Estrogen receptor 1 (encodes estrogen receptor α) Activated Esr1 Steroid transcription regulator 3.39E-06
Harvey rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog Hras Ras oncogene 3.73E-06