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. 2009 Jan 21;2009(1):CD006296. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006296.pub2

Wolever 1992.

Methods Trial Design: RCT 
 Randomisation procedure: not reported, crossover design 
 Allocation concealment: not reported 
 Blinding of outcome assessors: not reported 
 Intention to treat analysis: yes
Participants Country: Canada 
 Setting: community 
 Number: 6 in crossover study 
 Age: 63 ± 4 years 
 Sex: 3 male, 3 female 
 Inclusion criteria: NIDDM plus obese/overweight 
 Other characteristics: BMI 32.1 ± 2.4kg/m2
Interventions Trial intervention: low glycaemic index diet GI= 58, 
 comparison intervention: high glycaemic index diet GI=86 
 Duration of study: 6 weeks. 4 to 6 week washout period in between diets.
Outcomes Main outcome measures: fructosamine, body weight, lipids
Notes Source of funding: Canadian Diabetes Association, Bristol Myers Company, NY 
 Drop‐outs: 2 subjects were sampled one week early for the final analysis for both diets.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment? Unclear risk B ‐ Unclear

GI = glycaemic index 
 RCT= randomised controlled trial 
 BMI = Body Mass Index 
 NIDDM = non‐insulin dependent diabetes mellitus 
 CHOx = Measured carbohydrate exchange 
 %HbA1c = percentage glycated haemoglobin