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. 2017 Nov 3;2017(11):CD005661. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD005661.pub2

Pollock 1979.

Methods RCT
Methods to control for contributory patient factors: none
Participants Age:
Group 1: 60.4% ≥ 60
Group 2: 61.6% ≥ 60
Group 3: 62.6% ≥ 60
Group 1: female 57.3%
Group 2: female 58.6%
Group 3: female 59.6%
Types of incisions:
Group 1: midline 56.3%; transverse 43.7%
Group 1: midline 58.6%; transverse 41.4%
Group 1: midline 55.6%; transverse 44.4%
Types of surgery:
Group 1: emergency 12.5%
Group 2: emergency 21.2%
Group 3: emergency 22.2%
Contamination classification of included participants: not specified
Preoperative antibiotic use: not specified
Prognostic patient factors:
Group 1: obesity 32.3%; jaundice 8.3%
Group 2: obesity 41.4%; jaundice 6.1%
Group 1: obesity 34.3%; jaundice 5.1%
Inclusion criteria: consecutive patients undergoing emergency or elective major laparotomy
Exclusion criteria: gridiron muscle‐splitting incision, Pfannenstiel for prostatectomy, lumbar and incisions through pre‐existing incisional hernias were excluded
Interventions Comparisons reported:
Group 1:
 Sutures: steel (monofilament, non‐absorbable)
 Suture technique: continuous
 Closure method: mass
 Group 2:
 Sutures: PGA (multifilament, fast absorbable)
 Suture technique: continuous
 Closure method: mass
Group 3:
 Sutures: nylon (monofilament, non‐absorbable)
 Suture technique: continuous
 Closure method: mass
Characteristics of surgeons: consultant (50.8%) and registrar closures (49.2%)
Outcomes Hernia: visible bulge deep to the scar on straining, plus palpable defect in musculo‐aponeurosis
Follow‐up duration: "Not less than 6 months"
Wound infection: any discharge from wound within 1 month of surgery
Sinus/fistula: no definition provided
Notes Hernia data excluded from analysis due to inadequate follow‐up duration
Group 1 and 3 analysed together as 'non‐absorbable' and 'monofilament'
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Not specified
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Not specified
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk Not specified
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Participants accounted for; loss to follow‐up described by group
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk There was no evidence of selective reporting
Other bias Low risk The study appears to be free of other sources of bias