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. 2012 May 16;2012(5):CD002137. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002137.pub3

CARMEN MS sub‐study 2002.

Methods RCT (data for this study excludes the 13 participants that were included in the main CARMEN data set)
Participants People with at least 3 risk factors for metabolic syndrome (Europe, 5 centres)
 CVD risk: moderate
Control: 12 randomised, 8 analysed
 Intervention with simple CHO: 10 randomised, 9 analysed
Intervention with complex CHO: 11 randomised, 9 analysed
 Mean years in trial: control 0.4, simple CHO 0.5, complex CHO 0.5
 % male: control 0%, simple CHO 33%, complex CHO 22%
 Age: mean control 47.5 (sd 3.9), simple CHO intervention 44.7 (sd 4.7), complex CHO intervention 43.4 (sd 4.5)
Interventions Reduced fat vs usual diet
Control aims: to attain national "normal" intake
 Intervention aims: total fat reduced by 10%E with increases in simple or complex CHO
Control methods: trial shop provided local selection of a specific set of national "normal" intake foods
Intervention methods: trial shop provided local selection of a specific set of low fat and high simple or complex CHO foods
Total fat intake (at 6 months): low fat complex CHO 27.1 (sd 4.8), low fat simple CHO 20.6 (sd 6.6), cont 30.4 (sd 2.3)%E
Saturated fat intake: unclear
Style: food provided
Setting: community
Outcomes Stated trial outcomes: weight, body composition, lipids
Data available on total mortality? yes (no events)
 Cardiovascular mortality? yes (no events)
 Events available for combined cardiovascular events: CVD deaths, non‐fatal MI, stroke, heart failure, PVD (no events)
Secondary outcomes: cancer deaths and diagnoses (no events)
Tertiary outcomes: BMI, total, LDL and HDL cholesterol, TGs, diastolic BP
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Computer randomisation
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk Randomisation by 3rd party, independent of research centres. Blind data were sent to him for computer randomisation
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias) 
 All outcomes High risk Participants were clear about whether they were in the control or an intervention group
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk Unclear, deaths, cancer and CV events are drop‐outs, trialists asked for data ‐ unclear if any data missing
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Not relevant for primary and secondary outcomes as all trialists asked for data
Other bias Low risk  
Free of systematic difference in care? Low risk Trial shop used by both groups. See Control and Intervention Methods in Interventions section of the Table of Characteristics of Included Studies
Free of dietary differences other than fat? Low risk See Control and Intervention Aims in Interventions section of the Table of Characteristics of Included Studies