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. 2012 May 16;2012(5):CD002137. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002137.pub3

Sarkkinen Fat Mod 1995.

Methods RCT (the 3 Kuopio trials share a common control group)
Participants Free‐living people aged 30‐60 with serum total cholesterol levels 6.5‐8.0mmol/L (Finland)
 CVD risk: moderate
 Control: randomised 37, analysed 37
Intervention Mono: randomised 41, analysed 41
Mean years in trial: for both groups 0.5
 % male: control 46, Mono 46
 Age: mean control 43.2, Mono 46.4 (all 30‐60)
Interventions Modified fat vs usual diet
 Control aims: advised total fat 38%E, SFA <18%E, MUFA 15%E, PUFA <5%E, rapeseed oil, butter and semi‐skimmed milk provided
 Intervention aims Mono: total fat 38%E, SFA <14%E, MUFA 18%E, PUFA <6%E, rapeseed oil, rapeseed spread and skimmed milk provided
Control and intervention methods: given written dietary instructions and a diet plan with checking and reinforcement for 3 visits, then at 2, 6, 12, 18 and 26 weeks
Total fat intake (weeks 14‐28): mod fat 35 (sd 5), cont 36 (sd 5)%E
Saturated fat intake (weeks 14‐28): mod fat 11 (sd 2), cont 15 (sd 2)%E
Style: dietary advice & supplement (food)
Setting: community
Outcomes Stated trial outcomes: lipids and blood pressure
 Data available on total mortality? yes (no events)
 Cardiovascular mortality? no
 Events available for combined cardiovascular events: none
Secondary outcomes: none
Tertiary outcomes: BMI, total, LDL and HDL cholesterol, TG, BP
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk "randomisation stratified for men and women, singles and couples, random number tables"
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Randomisation method not clearly described
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias) 
 All outcomes High risk Participants and researchers knew allocation
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk Unclear, deaths, cancer and CV events are drop‐outs, trialists asked for data ‐ unclear if any data missing
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Not relevant for primary and secondary outcomes as all trialists asked for data
Other bias Low risk  
Free of systematic difference in care? Low risk Similar intensity and duration for both groups. See Control and Intervention Methods in Interventions section of the Table of Characteristics of Included Studies.
Free of dietary differences other than fat? Low risk See Control and Intervention Aims in Interventions section of the Table of Characteristics of Included Studies