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. 2008 Jul 16;2008(3):CD006297. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006297.pub2
Characteristic Ashwell 2006 Chatterjee 2007 De Leeuw 2005 Francis 1986 Fulcher 2005 Hermansen 2001 Hermansen 2004 Home 2004 Home 2005
Intervention 1 (I1) / intervention 2 (I2) / control 1 (C1) I1: Glargine + Lispro 
 C1: NPH + HI I1: detemir + Aspart 
 C1: NPH + Aspart I1: detemir + Aspart 
 C1: NPH + Aspart I1: Ultralente + Porcine Insulin 
 C1: NPH + Porcine Insulin I1: Glargine + Lispro 
 C1: NPH + Lispro I1: detemir + HI 
 C1: NPH + HI I1: detemir + Aspart 
 C1: NPH + HI I1: detemir (Q12hr) + Aspart 
 I2: detemir (breakfast+bedtime) + Aspart 
 C1: NPH + Aspart I1: Glargine + Hi 
 C1: NPH + HI
[n] (I1/ I2 / C1 / total) 56/56/56 57/57/57 217/99/316 6/6/6 62/63/125 59/59/59 298/297/595 137/139/132/408 292/293/585
Sex (males) [n, %] 20, 37% 35, 58% 116, 53.7% / 52, 52.5% 1, 17% 24, 38.7% / 25, 39.7% 46, 82% 183, 61.4% / 193, 65.0% 71, 51.8% / 79, 56.8% / 70, 53% 160, 54.8% / 166, 56.7%
Age [years] mean (SD) 41.1 (12.2) 42.9 (12.5) 40.1 (12.8) / 40.8 (13.2) 31.3 (8.8) 41.6 (12.9) / 39.3 (13.9) 34.5 (range 19‐52) 38.8 (13.5) / 39.3 (12.9) 40.9 (13.0) / 41.3 (11.4) / 38.3 (12.4) 39 (12) / 39 (12)
Ethnic groups [%] NA 97% White European, 3% South Asian NA NA Caucasian (98.4%) Caucasian (100%) European extraction (99.8%) NA NA
Duration of disease [years] mean (SD) 21.6 (13.1) 18.2 (11.8) 17.8 (9.7) / 16.6 (10.2) 10.2 (5.8) 17.9 (10.5) / 17.1 (9.7) 14.8 
 (range 2.6–47.8) 15.4 (10.1) / 15.1 (10.4) 17.1 (10.6) / 17.6 (10.7) / 15.1 (10.6) 16 (12) / 15 (9)
Body mass index [kg/m2] mean (SD) 
 Weight [kg] mean (SD) 25.9 (2.9) 
 Kg: 73.3 (10.4) 27 (4.2) 
 Kg: 81.0 (14.0) 24.4 (2.9) / 24.6 (3.5) 
 Kg: 71.3 (10.7) / 71.7 (12.4) 23.7 (1.7) 27.0 (3.6) / 26.0 (3.9) 23.8 (2.0) 
 Kg: 77.1 (8.9) 24.8 (3.0) / 24.9 (3.2) 
 Kg: 73.5 (11.4) / 74.2 (12.2) 25.1 (3.3) / 25.2 (3.6) / 25.2 (3.7) 
 Kg: 74.2 (12.6) / 75.0 (12.3) / 75.5 (14.0) 24.6 (3.1) / 25.1 (3.3) 
 Kg: 73.2 (11.8) / 74.8 (12.5)
Pharmaco‐naive patients [n,%] 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 / 0
HbA1c [%] mean (SD) 8.0 (0.8) 8.53 (1.15) 8.18 (1.14) / 8.03 (1.11) ? 9.2 (1.1) / 9.7 (1.3) 7.9 (range 5.7–8.7) 8.48 (1.12) / 8.29 (1.19) 8.55 (1.20) / 8.74 (1.20) / 8.52 (1.19) 7.9 (1.2) / 8.0 (1.2)
Fasting blood glucose 
 [mmol/L] ? ? ? >10 11.2 (3.5) / 11.4 (4.1) ? ? ? 9.3 (2.7) / 9.2 (2.4)
Fasting plasma glucose [mmol/L] 
 mean (SD) ? 11.5 (5.4) 11.85 (5.28) / 11.51 (5.16) ? ? ? 8.83 (4.31) / 9.17 (4.07) 11.57 (4.65) / 11.65 (4.61) / 12.20 (5.49) 12.7 (5.0) / 12.1 (4.9)
Basal insulin dose (IU/day) NA NA 26.3 (12.1) / 26.2 (14.0) NA 28.0 (13.7) / 27.4 (14.7) NA (<40) 24.2 (11.0) / 24.5 (11.3) 26.4 (10.8) / 28.1 (12.5) / 29.5 (13.7) 20 (range 5‐63) / 21 (range 4‐64)
Bolus insulin dose (IU/day) NA NA 31.3 (14.3) / 30.6 (15.1) NA 30.2 (16.1) / 29.3 (12.1) NA 28.5 (12.3) / 27.8 (13.3) 30.9 (12.9) / 29.4 (13.4) / 30.5 (13.4) 26 (NA) / 28 (NA)
Clinically different baseline characteristics (Y/N) NA NA NA NA Y (significant difference in mean HbA1c) NA ? (slightly higher HbA1c level 
 and a slightly lower fasting plasma glucose level in 
 the insulin detemir/insulin aspart group compared 
 with the NPH/regular human insulin group) N N
Notes crossover trial crossover trial   crossover trial crossover trial crossover trial