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. 2014 Nov 4;2014(11):CD010704. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010704.pub2
No. Query Results
#1 alcohol abuse'/exp 20.128
#2 alcohol intoxication'/exp 11.57
#3 drinking behavior'/exp 32.649
#4 (drink* NEAR/3 (excess* OR heavy OR heavily OR hazard* OR binge OR harmful OR problem*)):ab,ti 15.566
#5 (alcohol* NEAR/3 (drink* OR beverage* OR intoxicat* OR abus* OR misus* OR risk* OR consum* OR excess* OR problem*)):ab,ti 82.144
#6 wine*:ab,ti OR liquor*:ab,ti OR spirits:ab,ti OR beer*:ab,ti 33.266
#7 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6 148.236
#8 advertizing'/exp 15.076
#9 advert*:ab,ti OR promot*:ab,ti OR sponsor*:ab,ti OR billboard*:ab,ti OR poster:ab,ti OR posters:ab,ti OR branding:ab,ti OR marketing:ab,ti OR commercial:ab,ti OR commercials:ab,ti 800.025
#10 ((ad OR ads OR spot) NEAR/5 (televis* OR tv OR radio OR radios OR movie* OR film* OR display* OR media OR newspaper* OR magazine* OR OR film* OR display* OR media OR newspaper* OR magazine* OR internet)):ab,ti 1.556
#11 social marketing'/exp 2.211
#12 marketing'/de 14.236
#13 #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 817.051
#14 policy'/exp OR policy:ab,ti OR policies:ab,ti 192.939
#15 law'/exp 79.431
#16 law:ab,ti OR laws:ab,ti 83.918
#17 limit*:ab,ti OR forbid*:ab,ti OR prohibit*:ab,ti OR interdict*:ab,ti OR regulat*:ab,ti OR reducing:ab,ti OR reduce:ab,ti OR reduced:ab,ti OR reduction*:ab,ti OR restrict*:ab,ti OR ban:ab,ti OR bans:ab,ti OR banned:ab,ti OR banning:ab,ti 4,530,066
#18 #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 4,775,966
#19 #7 AND #13 AND #18 3.424
#20 #7 AND #13 AND #18 AND [humans]/lim AND [embase]/lim 1.569