9. Resource use and costs.
Study | Condition | No. of participants |
Timing of outcome measurement |
Resource use | Results as reported |
Battersby 2007 | Various | 1703* | 12 months | Primary care, medications, hospital admissions |
No reduction in service use, no cost savings |
Katon 2010a | Depression + diabetes/CHD |
214 | 24 months | Health plan accounting records, QALYs |
0.335 additional QALYs for intervention group and lower outpatient costs |
Wilson 2010 | Asthma | 408 | 12 months | Medications | Significant changes in medication use; no assessment of cost effectiveness |
* This figure includes 8 sub‐regional studies, 4 of which used geographic controls and were not randomised. CHD: coronary heart disease; QALY: quality‐adjusted life year