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. 2015 Mar 3;2015(3):CD010523. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010523.pub2

Hart 1978.

Methods Study design: RCT
Unit of randomisation: patient
Unit of analysis: patient
Funding sources: not stated
Conflicting interests: not stated
Participants Country: USA
Setting: Community mental health centre
Conditions/numbers: 32 mental health patients (diagnoses unspecified) (16 intervention, 16 control)
Health literacy: n/a
Multi‐morbidity: n/a
Interventions Theoretical framework: n/a
Focus: patient
Type of intervention: Individual therapy
Clinicians involved: Clinician 'scaler' (additional) and psychotherapist (usual)
Tools: The Behavioral Monitoring Process Record (BMPR) was designed to help participants set goals and report on their progress at each subsequent therapy session. A 4‐week goal was set with the participant and reviewed each week. Within each problem area, a weekly goal and method of attainment was specified. Participant and therapist jointly assessed the degree of attainment of each goal. Goals had to be observable, definable and measurable and structured in a step‐by‐step manner. All participants completed an 'intake history' based on two interview sessions.At a third interview session they collaboratively prepared a follow‐up guide that consisted of setting treatment goals and predicting 5 levels of goal attainment with an 'expected' level of attainment by the eighth therapy session. 'Collateral persons' (other people significant to the participant, such as spouse or probation officer) helped to identify problem areas and to validate the participant's self report at follow‐up. Randomisation took place after the third session.
Stages completed: Limited ‐ B, C, D, F
Usual provider aware of patient's goals and action plans: Yes
Standardisation of clinician input: Only 4 therapists involved
Fidelity: Not reported
Attrition: None reported
Comparison: Same individual therapy without weekly goal setting or monitoring
Outcomes Health status: n/a
Self‐management capabilities: n/a
Health behaviours: n/a
Achievement of personal goals: Goal Attainment Scale (GAS) (Kiresuk 1968) ‐ achievement of personal goals
Service use: n/a
Adverse events: none reported
Timing of outcome measures: Baseline, 3 months
Notes No power calculation reported.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk No details provided.
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk No details provided.
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk No details provided.
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk No details provided.
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk No details provided.
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk No published protocol.
Other bias Low risk The collateral person was a source of external validation of the participant's self report. Validation included identification and definition of the participant's problems at intake (pretest score) and input as to the level of functioning on the attainment level of the follow‐up guide at the follow‐up evaluation.