(A) Schematic diagram of the experimental strategy, where iChr-Notch-Mosaic mice were crossed with Polr2aCreERT2 driver. Embryos were collected and treated with 4OH-Tamoxifen from 2- to 4-cell stage to induce recombination. At morula and blastocyst stage, embryos were fixed and immunostained. (B) Optical section of confocal images after immunostaining for RFP, GFP and HA. Arrowheads indicate examples of cells recombined for the wildtype cassette (red), the Notch loss of function cassette (LOF, green) or the Notch gain of function cassette (GOF, blue). Nuclei were stained with DAPI. Scale bars, 20 μm. (C) Percentage of not recombined cells or recombined for each cassette in morulae (n = 10) and blastocysts (n = 11). (D–E) Percentage of not recombined cells or recombined for each cassette that are in an inner or outer position at the morula (D; not recombined, n = 69; wildtype, n = 33; LOF, n = 29; GOF, n = 83) or blastocyst stage (E; not recombined, n = 190; wildtype, n = 87; LOF, n = 50; GOF, n = 173). *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ****p<0.0001 in relation to not recombined cells by Chi-square test.