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. 2016 Mar 17;2016(3):CD010912. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010912.pub3
Trial name or title
Methods Random allocation in clusters
Location: Australia
Recruitment: not yet recruiting
Participants Population: male and female employees of Rockhampton Regional Council working either full‐time or part‐time, aged 18‐65 years
Interventions Participants will be asked to wear a pedometer during the 6‐week challenge and to record the number of steps they have taken each day on the Central Queensland University 10,000 Steps website.
Control: no intervention
Outcomes Primary outcome: total steps of physical activity measured using the Yamax Digiwalker DW‐150 pedometer
Secondary outcomes
  • BMI (kg/m²)

  • Health‐related quality of life measured using the Australian quality of life scale: AQoL‐15

  • Mood measured using Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS‐21)

  • Physical activity measured using self‐reported Active Australia Questionnaire

  • Total minutes of sitting at work measured using the adapted workforce sitting questionnaire and occupational physical activity questionnaire

Starting date It is unclear whether the study has started at all. The study was promised to take place in 2013 and the study registration has not been updated.
Contact information Mitch Duncan, email:
Notes Primary sponsor: Government funding body Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service