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. 2017 Dec 15;2017(12):CD001188. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001188.pub5

Nebot 1992.

Methods Country: Spain
 Recruitment: Primary Care Centre (participants not selected for motivation to quit)
Participants 425 smokers (at least 1 cpd in past wk)
Interventions 1. Physician advice
 2. Physician advice and nicotine gum
 3. Nurse counselling (up to 15 mins)
 Intensity: Low
 All received booklet and offer of follow‐up visit or call
Outcomes Abstinence at 12 m (sustained at 2 m and 12 m)
 Validation: 1/4 validated by expired CO at 2 m
Notes 3 vs 1
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk "Each PCT was randomly allocated to perform the three different interventions successively. Each physician was assigned to a different intervention option every week, so that during that week they could not include any patient under an intervention option different from previously scheduled." Method of sequence generation not specified
Allocation concealment (selection bias) High risk Randomization does not allow blinding of allocation
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk 76/425 participants lost to follow‐up; numbers lost to follow‐up not broken down by group; those lost to follow‐up at 2 m not included in final analysis