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. 2017 Dec 15;2017(12):CD001188. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001188.pub5
Study Reason for exclusion
Aertsen‐Van Der Kuip 2006 Abstract only, 3 m follow‐up
Andrews 2007 Cluster‐randomized trial with only 2 community clusters and baseline differences between participants. Nurse‐led counselling confounded with NRT availability and personal contact from a community health worker for the duration of the trial
Avanzini 2011 Not a randomized trial, uses matched controls
Bredie 2011 Only 3 m follow‐up
Browning 2000 Not a randomized trial, uses historical control
Brunner‐Frandsen 2012 Comparison of nurse‐delivered counselling with more intensive smoking cessation therapy. Intensive therapy confounded additional nurse‐delivered telephone support with specialist counselling and pharmacotherapy
Cabezas 2011 Both nurses and/or physicians provided intervention
Carlsson 1998 Describes 5 studies, only 1 reporting smoking cessation is included in review separately (Carlsson 1997)
Caslin 2006 Abstract only, insufficient information for inclusion. Study of nurse intervention for smoking cessation in hospitalized inpatients
Chan 2005 Pilot study of intervention directed at non‐smoking mothers with smoking partners; follow‐up < 6 m
Chan 2008 Intervention directed at non‐smoking mothers with smoking partners
Duffy 2014 Intervention delivered by multiple professionals, not just nurses (listed as Duffy 2012 in previous version, ongoing)
Efraimsson 2008 Less than 6 m follow‐up
Fletcher 1987 Number of quitters after 6 m not stated (Total of 20 participants)
French 2007 Not RCT. Control and intervention ran sequentially. Study of a nurse‐delivered home‐visiting programme to prevent post‐partum relapse
Fritz 2008 Adolescent smokers
Galvin 2001 Only 3 m follow‐up (Total of 42 participants)
Gies 2008 Only 3 m follow‐up. Non‐random assignment to nurse intervention and control. Randomly compared 1 and 4 phone follow‐ups
Griebel 1998 Maximum follow‐up was 6 wks post‐hospital discharge
Haddock 1997 No long‐term follow‐up. Randomization unclear
Hall 2007 Follow‐up < 6 m
Happell 2014 Paper only reports on intervention arm ‐ no control details available
Heath 2012 Not randomized, evaluation
Hjalmarson 2007 Not randomized, intervention allocated by treatment site
Jansink 2013 Originally listed as ongoing study, now completed. Lifestyle intervention for Type 2 diabetes, smoking prevalence and smoking cessation results not reported
Jelley 1995 Not RCT. Control and intervention ran sequentially
Johnson 1999 Not RCT. No equivalent study groups, intervention allocated according to cardiac unit of admission
Johnson 2000 Population and intervention not within scope. Recruited women who had stopped smoking during pregnancy for a relapse prevention intervention
Jonsdottir 2015 Multi‐behaviour intervention, cannot separate out smoking components or smoking population
Katz 2012 Not randomized; pre/post design
Kendrick 1995 Intervention in pregnant smokers. See Chamberlain 2017
Koelewijn‐van Loon 2009 Signficant baseline difference in smoking behaviour between intervention and control groups. Data provided does not specify number quit in relation to those smoking at baseline
Kotz 2009 Effects of nurse intervention (counselling) confounded with pharmacotherapy (nortriptyline)
Kruis 2014 Intervention delivered by multiple professionals, not just nurses
Lakerveld 2010 Abstract only, insufficient detail provided for inclusion
Lakerveld 2013 Multibehaviour intervention, cannot separate out smoking components or smoking population
Lifrak 1997 4 advice sessions with a nurse practitioner compared with a more intensive intervention of 16 weekly therapy sessions. All also received nicotine patch therapy
Lou 2013 Only (approximately) 40% of those delivering the intervention were nurses
McHugh 2001 Multiple risk factor intervention with shared care. Cannot evaluate effect of nursing
Meulepas 2007 Cluster‐randomized trial of intervention in people with COPD. Effect of nurse counselling confounded with effect of (GP‐initiated) COPD support service
O'Connor 1992 Intervention in pregnant smokers. See Chamberlain 2017
Persson 2006 Study of nurse‐counselling for smoking cessation in general practice patients with diabetes. Practices assigned to intervention or control; practice assignment not randomized
Planer 2011 Study of bupropion, both intervention and control groups received nurse support
Pozen 1977 Intervention in post‐MI patients. Only 1 m follow‐up, and number of smokers at baseline not reported
Reeve 2000 Follow‐up < 6 m
Reid 2003 Stepped‐care intervention from nurse counsellor confounded with nicotine patch therapy (no evidence of effect of the combination)
Rigotti 1997 Intervention not given by a nurse
Smith 2009 Compares physician + nurse advice with nurse‐initiated counselling only
Stanislaw 1994 Follow‐up < 6 m
Sun 2000 Follow‐up < 6 m
Targhetta 2011 Trial of training of medical staff, including nurses
Van Elderen 1994 Multicomponent intervention, smoking cessation element not clear
Van Zuilen 2011 Study of multifactoral lifestyle intervention for people with chronic kidney disease. Unable to extract data on baseline smokers only; insufficient detail on nature of stop smoking intervention to include
Wadland 1999 Not randomized. The 2 groups were recruited by different means and given different interventions, both of which included telephone counselling by nurses or counsellors
Wadland 2001 Follow‐up < 6 m (90 days). Nurses and counsellors provided telephone‐based intervention
Wewers 1994 Follow up < 6 m
Wewers 2009 Intervention led by lay health advisors (managed by nurses, but nurses never had contact with participants)
Wilson 2008 Planned sample size of 303 not reached, only 91 participants randomized between 3 conditions. Adherence to interventions (5 hrs of individual or group support) was very low. No participants achieved complete cessation
Woollard 1995 No data presented on number of smokers or quitting
Zakrisson 2011 Evaluation of nurse‐led interdisciplinary intervention that involved physicians