Aertsen‐Van Der Kuip 2006 |
Abstract only, 3 m follow‐up |
Andrews 2007 |
Cluster‐randomized trial with only 2 community clusters and baseline differences between participants. Nurse‐led counselling confounded with NRT availability and personal contact from a community health worker for the duration of the trial |
Avanzini 2011 |
Not a randomized trial, uses matched controls |
Bredie 2011 |
Only 3 m follow‐up |
Browning 2000 |
Not a randomized trial, uses historical control |
Brunner‐Frandsen 2012 |
Comparison of nurse‐delivered counselling with more intensive smoking cessation therapy. Intensive therapy confounded additional nurse‐delivered telephone support with specialist counselling and pharmacotherapy |
Cabezas 2011 |
Both nurses and/or physicians provided intervention |
Carlsson 1998 |
Describes 5 studies, only 1 reporting smoking cessation is included in review separately (Carlsson 1997) |
Caslin 2006 |
Abstract only, insufficient information for inclusion. Study of nurse intervention for smoking cessation in hospitalized inpatients |
Chan 2005 |
Pilot study of intervention directed at non‐smoking mothers with smoking partners; follow‐up < 6 m |
Chan 2008 |
Intervention directed at non‐smoking mothers with smoking partners |
Duffy 2014 |
Intervention delivered by multiple professionals, not just nurses (listed as Duffy 2012 in previous version, ongoing) |
Efraimsson 2008 |
Less than 6 m follow‐up |
Fletcher 1987 |
Number of quitters after 6 m not stated (Total of 20 participants) |
French 2007 |
Not RCT. Control and intervention ran sequentially. Study of a nurse‐delivered home‐visiting programme to prevent post‐partum relapse |
Fritz 2008 |
Adolescent smokers |
Galvin 2001 |
Only 3 m follow‐up (Total of 42 participants) |
Gies 2008 |
Only 3 m follow‐up. Non‐random assignment to nurse intervention and control. Randomly compared 1 and 4 phone follow‐ups |
Griebel 1998 |
Maximum follow‐up was 6 wks post‐hospital discharge |
Haddock 1997 |
No long‐term follow‐up. Randomization unclear |
Hall 2007 |
Follow‐up < 6 m |
Happell 2014 |
Paper only reports on intervention arm ‐ no control details available |
Heath 2012 |
Not randomized, evaluation |
Hjalmarson 2007 |
Not randomized, intervention allocated by treatment site |
Jansink 2013 |
Originally listed as ongoing study, now completed. Lifestyle intervention for Type 2 diabetes, smoking prevalence and smoking cessation results not reported |
Jelley 1995 |
Not RCT. Control and intervention ran sequentially |
Johnson 1999 |
Not RCT. No equivalent study groups, intervention allocated according to cardiac unit of admission |
Johnson 2000 |
Population and intervention not within scope. Recruited women who had stopped smoking during pregnancy for a relapse prevention intervention |
Jonsdottir 2015 |
Multi‐behaviour intervention, cannot separate out smoking components or smoking population |
Katz 2012 |
Not randomized; pre/post design |
Kendrick 1995 |
Intervention in pregnant smokers. See Chamberlain 2017
Koelewijn‐van Loon 2009 |
Signficant baseline difference in smoking behaviour between intervention and control groups. Data provided does not specify number quit in relation to those smoking at baseline |
Kotz 2009 |
Effects of nurse intervention (counselling) confounded with pharmacotherapy (nortriptyline) |
Kruis 2014 |
Intervention delivered by multiple professionals, not just nurses |
Lakerveld 2010 |
Abstract only, insufficient detail provided for inclusion |
Lakerveld 2013 |
Multibehaviour intervention, cannot separate out smoking components or smoking population |
Lifrak 1997 |
4 advice sessions with a nurse practitioner compared with a more intensive intervention of 16 weekly therapy sessions. All also received nicotine patch therapy |
Lou 2013 |
Only (approximately) 40% of those delivering the intervention were nurses |
McHugh 2001 |
Multiple risk factor intervention with shared care. Cannot evaluate effect of nursing |
Meulepas 2007 |
Cluster‐randomized trial of intervention in people with COPD. Effect of nurse counselling confounded with effect of (GP‐initiated) COPD support service |
O'Connor 1992 |
Intervention in pregnant smokers. See Chamberlain 2017
Persson 2006 |
Study of nurse‐counselling for smoking cessation in general practice patients with diabetes. Practices assigned to intervention or control; practice assignment not randomized |
Planer 2011 |
Study of bupropion, both intervention and control groups received nurse support |
Pozen 1977 |
Intervention in post‐MI patients. Only 1 m follow‐up, and number of smokers at baseline not reported |
Reeve 2000 |
Follow‐up < 6 m |
Reid 2003 |
Stepped‐care intervention from nurse counsellor confounded with nicotine patch therapy (no evidence of effect of the combination) |
Rigotti 1997 |
Intervention not given by a nurse |
Smith 2009 |
Compares physician + nurse advice with nurse‐initiated counselling only |
Stanislaw 1994 |
Follow‐up < 6 m |
Sun 2000 |
Follow‐up < 6 m |
Targhetta 2011 |
Trial of training of medical staff, including nurses |
Van Elderen 1994 |
Multicomponent intervention, smoking cessation element not clear |
Van Zuilen 2011 |
Study of multifactoral lifestyle intervention for people with chronic kidney disease. Unable to extract data on baseline smokers only; insufficient detail on nature of stop smoking intervention to include |
Wadland 1999 |
Not randomized. The 2 groups were recruited by different means and given different interventions, both of which included telephone counselling by nurses or counsellors |
Wadland 2001 |
Follow‐up < 6 m (90 days). Nurses and counsellors provided telephone‐based intervention |
Wewers 1994 |
Follow up < 6 m |
Wewers 2009 |
Intervention led by lay health advisors (managed by nurses, but nurses never had contact with participants) |
Wilson 2008 |
Planned sample size of 303 not reached, only 91 participants randomized between 3 conditions. Adherence to interventions (5 hrs of individual or group support) was very low. No participants achieved complete cessation |
Woollard 1995 |
No data presented on number of smokers or quitting |
Zakrisson 2011 |
Evaluation of nurse‐led interdisciplinary intervention that involved physicians |