(A) 1×106 16E6/LXSN and 16E6/FN123 HFKs were suspended in methylcellulose (MC) for 0 or 24 hours, and total protein collected. Protein levels of phosphorylated JNK (P-JNK), total JNK, total ERK, total MKK4, and total MKK7 were assessed by Western blot. GAPDH was used as a loading control. Densitometry analysis was done in ImageJ. Protein levels were normalized to the loading control, and all samples compared to undifferentiated 16E6/LXSN. White spaces in Western blots indicate removal of empty or irrelevant lanes from original image for clarity. (B) 16E6 HFKs were transduced with a short hairpin targeting NFX1-123 (sh1 or sh2) or a scramble short hairpin control (scr). 1×106 scr, sh1, and sh2 cells were suspended in methylcellulose for 0 or 24 hours, and total protein collected. Protein levels of P-JNK, total JNK, total ERK, total MKK4, and total MKK7 were assessed by Western blot. Densitometry analysis was done in ImageJ. Protein levels were normalized to the loading control, and all samples compared to undifferentiated scr. For A and B, one representative experiment is shown from at least three conducted in biologically independent HFK cell lines.