EPEC-Induced Caspase-1 Activation, Cytokine Processing, and Pyroptosis Requires Caspase-4 and GSDMD
(A and B) Real-time PI-uptake assays from THP1 cells stably expressing non-targeting (CTRL) or miRNA30E against the indicated genes. THP1 cells were infected with EPEC for indicated times (A) or transfected with LPS using lipofectamine 2000 (B). Means ± SEMs from n = 3 independent experiments are shown. ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001 by two-way ANOVA with FDR-based correction for multiple comparisons for indicated comparisons between CTRLmiR and others.
(C–E) Representative immunoblots from THP1 cells stably expressing non-targeting (CTRL) or miRNA30E against the indicated genes transfected with LPS for 4 h (C) or infected with EPEC for 4 h (D and E). Pooled supernatants and lysates were used for immunoblots. Schematics in (C) and (E) show caspase-4-dependent inflammasome signaling by transfected LPS and EPEC, respectively.
Data in (C)–(E) are representative of experiments performed at least three times.