Figure 5.
PS membrane asymmetry has no substantial influence on the helical formation of pHLIP. (A) Average CD spectra of pHLIP in the presence of PS asymmetry is shown. pH 8 and 4 represent the membrane adsorbed and transmembrane states of pHLIP, respectively. (B) Average CD titrations comparing symmetric and asymmetric POPC/POPS vesicles with 3% PS in the outer bilayer leaflets for both cases. Lines indicate fits to the data using Eq. 3. Error bars are the SD. (C) pKCD was obtained from titrations of PC and symmetric PC/PS with 3% PS and with asymmetric PS samples. No statistical significance (one-way ANOVA) is observed between symmetric and asymmetric PS, suggesting that asymmetric PS does not influence the insertion process of pHLIP as monitored by CD. NS, no significance. n = 3–4. Error bars are SD. To see this figure in color, go online.