Fig. 1. Differential impact of chronic stress on dendritic complexity of immature neurons that reach or not the outer molecular layer (OML) of the adult dentate gyrus (DG).
a Representative microphoto of doublecortin (DCX) and postsynaptic density-95 (PSD95) staining in the DG of adult mouse showing the granular cell layer (GCL) as well as inner and medial/outer molecular layers (IML and M/OML, respectively) of DG. b Chronic stress decreases the density of DCX+ cells (immature neurons) whose dendritic tree reaches the IML (named as short DCX+ cells), whereas it does not affect the DCX+ cells whose dendritic tree reaches the M/OML (namely, long DCX+ cells). c Illustration of three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of short DCX+ cells under control (CON) and stress (STR) conditions. d, e Short DCX+ immature neurons exhibited higher dendritic volume in stressed animals in comparison to controls without significant alteration of their total dendritic length. f Sholl analysis of short DCX+ cells revealed no differences of intersections number between control and stressed DCX+ immature neurons. g Representation of 3D reconstruction of long DCX+ cells in the DG of control and stressed animals. h, i In contrast to short DCX+ cells, the dendritic volume and total dendritic length of long DCX+ immature neurons is lower in stressed animals when compared to controls. j Sholl analysis of long DCX+ cells showed reduced number of intersections at the distal part of long DCX+ cells of stressed animals. All numerical data are shown as mean ± S.E.M. (*p < 0.05)