Fig. 4.
(A) Contour plot of the nsTA data of TDI2 in 5CB collected at 345 mT, λex = 685 nm. Data near 685 nm are omitted due to pump scatter. (B) TDI triplet-state EPR spectrum of TDI-PdTPP in butyronitrile at 105 K, λex = 660 nm. (C) Contour plot of the TREPR spectra (X band) of TDI2 in 5CB collected at room temperature, λex = 660 nm, and (D) its corresponding EAS obtained using procedures discussed in the text. The dominant absorptive and emissive transitions have been assigned where Qm and Tm refer to the 5(T1T1), ms = m and T1, ms = m sublevels, respectively.