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. 2019 Jan 3;24(1):138–152.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2018.12.001

Mouse monoclonal GAPDH Abcam ab9484
Rabbit polyclonal Requiem Sigma SAB4502621
Mouse monoclonal FLAG Sigma F1804
Rabbit polyclonal TBX3 Invitrogen 42-4800
Goat polyclonal OCT4 R&D systems AF1759
Goat polyclonal SOX2 R&D systems AF2018
Mouse monoclonal NESTIN BD PharMingen 556309
Mouse monoclonal TUBB3 Promega G712A
Rabbit polyclonal NANOG Abcam Ab80892
Mouse monoclonal P300 Active motif 61401
Mouse monoclonal STAT3 Cell Signaling Technology 9139
Rabbit monoclonal H3K27ac Abcam ab177178
Rabbit polyclonal H3K27me3 Millipore 07449
Rabbit polyclonal H3K4me3 Abcam ab8580
Rabbit polyclonal H3K9ac Abcam ab4441
Mouse monoclonal H4-tetraAC Active motif 39967
Polyclonal goat SOX17 R&D systems AF1924
Rabbit polyclonal GATA4 Santa Cruz sc-9053
Goat polyclonal GATA6 R&D systems AF1700
Rabbit polyclonal SUZ12 Abcam ab12073
Mouse monoclonal EZH2 BD PharMingen 612667
Rabbit polyclonal EED Millipore 17-10034
Rabbit monoclonal BRG1 Abcam ab110641
Mouse IgG ThermoFisher A-11032
Alex488-conjugated donkey anti-goat IgG ThermoFisher A-11055
Alex594-conjugated donkey anti-rat IgG ThermoFisher A-21209
Alex488-conjugated donkey anti-mouse IgG ThermoFisher A-21202
Alex594-conjugated donkey anti-rabbit IgG ThermoFisher A-21207
DAPI ThermoFisher D1306

Bacterial and Virus Strains

DH5a Competent Cells NEB C-29871
One Shot TOP10 Chemically Competent E. coli ThermoFisher C404010

Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins

LIF Millipore ESG1107
BMP4 R&D System 5020-BP-010
Zeocin ThermoFisher R25001
G418 ThermoFisher 11811031
Puromycin ThermoFisher A1113802
Protease inhibitors Roche 4693159001
Benzonase Sigma E8263-5KU
2x Laemmli Sample Buffer Bio-Rad #1610737
3X FLAG peptide Sigma F4799-4MG
Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%), phenol red ThermoFisher 25200056
Paraformaldehyde Sigma P6148-500G
Disuccinimidyl glutarate ThermiFisher 20593
Triton X-100 Sigma T8787-50ML
4-Hydroxytamoxifen TOCRIS 3412
Tamoxifen Sigma T5648
Annexin-APC BD PharMingen 550475
7-AAD BD PharMingen 559925
SYBR Green PCR Master Mix ThermoFisher 4309155
ABsolute QPCR Mix, ROX ThermoFisher AB1139A
SequalPrep Long PCR Kit with dNTPs ThermoFisher A10498
Expand Long Template PCR System Roche 03321053103
Disuccinimidyl glutarate ThermoFisher 20593
Proteinase K ThermoFisher 25530049
T4 DNA ligase NEB M0202S
Csp6I Thermo Fisher FD0214
MboI Thermo FD0814
Vivaspin500 PES centrifugal filters Vivascience VS0102
KAPA HTP Library Preparation kit Roche 07961901001

Critical Commercial Assays

AP staining kit Sigma SCR004
SequalPrep Long PCR kit Invitrogen A10498
BCA Protein Assya Kit Pierce 23227
ECL Plus Amersham RPN2133
RNeasy mini kit QIAGEN 74104
TotalPrep RNA Amplification Kit Ambion AMIL1791
NucleoSpin gDNA Clean-Up kit Macherey-Nagel 740230.10
SuperscriptIII reverse transcriptase Invitrogen 18080093
Click-iT EdU Pacific Blue flow cytometry Assay Kit Invitrogen C10636
Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit Invitrogen 23225

Deposited Data

ChIP-seq This study E-MTAB-6165
RNA-seq This study E-MTAB-6166
4C This study E-MTAB-6167

Experimental Models: Cell Lines

E14 ESCs This study N/A
R26::CreERT2 - E14 ESCs This study N/A
R26::CreERT2 Dpf2 fl/fl E14 ESCs This study N/A
Eed −/− R26::CreERT2 Dpf2 fl/fl E14 ESCs This study N/A
Ezh2 −/− R26::CreERT2 Dpf2 fl/fl E14 ESCs This study N/A
Tbx3 DE KO ESCs This study N/A
Tbx3 IE KO ESCs This study N/A

Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains

SCID mice Hans Scholer’s Group N/A

Deposited Data

ChIP-seq data This study E-MTAB-6165 (ArrayExpress)
RNA-seq data This study E-MTAB-6166 (ArrayExpress)
4C data This study E-MTAB-6167 (ArrayExpress)
Proteomics data This study PXD011806 (ProteomeXchange)


Oct4 TaqMan Mm00658129_gH
Klf4 TaqMan Mm00516104_m1
Nanog TaqMan Mm02384862_g1
Rex1 TaqMan Mm03053975_g1
Nr0b1 TaqMan Mm00431729_m1
Klf2 TaqMan Mm01244979_g1
Klf5 TaqMan Mm00456521_m1
Gapdh TaqMan 4352339E
Tbx3 TaqMan Mm01195726_m1
GATA6 TaqMan Mm00802636_m1
GATA4 TaqMan Mm00484689_m1
Sox17 TaqMan Mm00488363_m1
FGF5 TaqMan Mm00438918_m1
Sox1 TaqMan Mm00486299_s1
Pax6 TaqMan Mm00443072_m1
Brachyury TaqMan Mm01318252_m1
Tubb3 TaqMan Mm00727586_s1
Dpf2 TaqMan Mm00599980_m1
Nestin TaqMan Mm00450205_m1
Pdgfra TaqMan Mm00440701_m1
GATA2 TaqMan Mm00492301_m1
Bmp4 TaqMan Mm00432087_m1
Hand1 TaqMan Mm00433931_m1
Sox21 TaqMan Mm00844350_s1
Gjb3 TaqMan Mm00433647_m1
Lama1 TaqMan Mm01226102_m1
Ncam1 TaqMan Mm01149710_m1
Pcdh17 TaqMan Mm00977568_m1
See Table S5 for qPCR and gRNA sequences This Study N/A

Recombinant DNA

Dpf2 targeting vector EUCOMM resource N/A
C-FTAP-tag Dpf2 knockin vector This study N/A
pPyCAG-Dpf2-IZ Hitoshi Niwa N/A
pPyCAG-Tbx3-IN Hitoshi Niwa N/A
pCAGGs-FlpE This study N/A
Nanog shRNA Wu Qiang N/A
Tbx3 shRNA April Kartikasari N/A

Reagent or Resource

GMEM Sigma-Aldrich G2549
FCS GIBCO 10439024
Non-essential amino acid GIBCO 11140050
Sodium pyruvate GIBCO 11360070
2-mercaptoethanol GIBCO 21985023
L-glutamine GIBCO 25030081
TCEP Sigma 75259
Iodoacetamide Sigma I6125
colloidal Coomassie Sigma B2025
AggreWell 400 plates STEMCELL Technoligies 34421
Dynabeads Protein G Invitrogen 10003D
4-12% Bis-Tris Novex gel Invitrogen NP0321BOX
PVDF membranes Biorad 1620177

Software and Algorithms

ChromHMM v1.1.0 Chronis et al., 2017 N/A
Bowtie2 v2.2.1 Langmead et al., 2009 N/A
Cufflinks v2.2.1 Trapnell et al., 2010 N/A
MACS2 v20140616 Zhang et al., 2008 N/A
BedTools v2.27 Quinlan and Hall, 2010 N/A
HOMER v4.9.0 Heinz et al., 2010 N/A
Metascape N/A
Proteome Discover 1.4 Thermofisher N/A
Tophat version 2.0.13 Trapnell et al., 2009 N/A
Mascot 2.5 Matrix Science N/A