Stroke Event |
Tell me more about your stroke. |
Tell me more about your stroke recovery? What was helpful? What wasn’t helpful? |
Symptoms |
Have you noticed any changes since after your stroke? Independence? Cognition? Mood? |
Acute Care |
Where did you receive your care? |
Rehab Activities |
Where did you receive rehabilitation? Did you receive any therapy once you came home? |
What type of treatments/therapy did you receive (e.g. physical therapy, occupational therapy)? |
How long did you receive therapy? |
What information was provided to you about your rehabilitation? |
Rehab Goal |
What do you wish they have worked on while you were in therapy? |
What was your goal(s) during rehabilitation? |
Decision Making |
How were decisions made about your care? |
Who helped you make the decision about your rehabilitation goals? |
How comfortable are you with the decision that was made and what would make you more comfortable? |
Was there any information that was not helpful for the decision making process? |
What are the top three to five things you thought about when you made a decision about your rehabilitation? |
Overall Goals |
Overall, what are your top three to five goals following the stroke? |
Advice |
What information would you share with others who have to decide where to receive stroke rehabilitation? |
What would you tell somebody else if they were to have a stroke? What advice would you give? |
Is there anything else we should know, or do you have any questions for me? |