Table 5.
Binary logistic regression for cluster analysis I variables of both general and SSS samples
Independent variables | Cluster analysis I (all cluster variables: type of health care services used for last illness during past 12 months and reasons of utilization; type of payment for health care services; and amount of payment and coping strategies) | |
General Population Sample (n = 76) 1 = Cluster group 1 – Last use of general care 2 = Cluster group 2 – Last use of specialized care/hospitalized |
SSS Sample (n = 106) 1 = Cluster group 1 – Last use of general care 2 = Cluster group 2 – Last use of specialized care/hospitalized |
Exp B (95% CI) | Exp B (95% CI) | |
Age | 1.006(0.971–1.043) | 0.966(0.912–1.023) |
Gender (1-male; 2-female) | 3.269(1.003–10.651)** | 1.373(0.457–4.120) |
What is your primary occupation activity at present? General population sample: 1-working; 2-not workinga SSS sample: 1-public; 2-private |
0.643(0.212–1.948) | 1.838(0.464–7.276) |
What is your highest education level? 1-middle school and lower; 2-high school and higherb |
1.082(0.356–3.292) | 2.282(0.767–6.788)* |
What is your civil status at present? 1-living alone; 2-living with spousec |
0.627(0.197–1.995) | 0.983(0.306–3.157) |
How would you rate your overall health status at present? 1-very poor and poor; 2-moderate; 3-good and very good |
0.940(0.444–1.990) | 0.707(0.361–1.387) |
How many adult persons (age 18 or higher) are there in your household? | 0.775(1.566–1.062)* | 1.028(0.761–1.389) |
How many children (under the age 18) are there in your household? | 1.036(0.615–1.745) | 0.784(0.505–1.218) |
Considering the income of all household members and all sources of income (e.g. wages, social welfare, pensions, rents, fees, etc.), what is your average net monthly household income? | 1.003(0.992–1.015) | 1.066(1.025–1.110)*** |
Which of the following is true regarding your current household income? 1- does not allow to build savings; 2- allows to build savingsd |
4.120(0.776–21.876)* | 1.448(0.514–4.080) |
Constant | 0.100 | 2.876 |
Nagelkerke R Square | 0.182 | 0.213 |
*p < .10; **p < .05; ***p < .01
a The working includes public, private, self-employed, family business, and others; the not working group includes pensioners, students, and unemployed
b The group with middle school and lower includes Illiterate, primary school, and middle school; the group with high school and higher including high school, graduate and higher degree
c The group living alone includes single, separated, divorced, widow; the group living with spouse including married and living with a partner without marriage
d The group not able to build savings includes the following categories: just meets the expenses, not sufficient/ need to use savings, need to borrow