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. 2019 Apr 27;19:258. doi: 10.1186/s12913-019-4071-8

Table 5.

Binary logistic regression for cluster analysis I variables of both general and SSS samples

Independent variables Cluster analysis I (all cluster variables: type of health care services used for last illness during past 12 months and reasons of utilization; type of payment for health care services; and amount of payment and coping strategies)
General Population Sample (n = 76)
1 = Cluster group 1 – Last use of general care
2 = Cluster group 2 – Last use of specialized care/hospitalized
SSS Sample (n = 106)
1 = Cluster group 1 – Last use of general care
2 = Cluster group 2 – Last use of specialized care/hospitalized
Exp B (95% CI) Exp B (95% CI)
Age 1.006(0.971–1.043) 0.966(0.912–1.023)
Gender (1-male; 2-female) 3.269(1.003–10.651)** 1.373(0.457–4.120)
What is your primary occupation activity at present?
General population sample: 1-working; 2-not workinga
SSS sample: 1-public; 2-private
0.643(0.212–1.948) 1.838(0.464–7.276)
What is your highest education level?
1-middle school and lower; 2-high school and higherb
1.082(0.356–3.292) 2.282(0.767–6.788)*
What is your civil status at present?
1-living alone; 2-living with spousec
0.627(0.197–1.995) 0.983(0.306–3.157)
How would you rate your overall health status at present?
1-very poor and poor; 2-moderate; 3-good and very good
0.940(0.444–1.990) 0.707(0.361–1.387)
How many adult persons (age 18 or higher) are there in your household? 0.775(1.566–1.062)* 1.028(0.761–1.389)
How many children (under the age 18) are there in your household? 1.036(0.615–1.745) 0.784(0.505–1.218)
Considering the income of all household members and all sources of income (e.g. wages, social welfare, pensions, rents, fees, etc.), what is your average net monthly household income? 1.003(0.992–1.015) 1.066(1.025–1.110)***
Which of the following is true regarding your current household income?
1- does not allow to build savings; 2- allows to build savingsd
4.120(0.776–21.876)* 1.448(0.514–4.080)
Constant 0.100 2.876
Nagelkerke R Square 0.182 0.213

*p < .10; **p < .05; ***p < .01

a The working includes public, private, self-employed, family business, and others; the not working group includes pensioners, students, and unemployed

b The group with middle school and lower includes Illiterate, primary school, and middle school; the group with high school and higher including high school, graduate and higher degree

c The group living alone includes single, separated, divorced, widow; the group living with spouse including married and living with a partner without marriage

d The group not able to build savings includes the following categories: just meets the expenses, not sufficient/ need to use savings, need to borrow