Table 1.
Accession | ID | Locality | Trichome (no./cm2) |
Bay-0 | N22633 | Germany | 26.3 |
Br-0 | N22628 | Czech Republic | 0 |
C24 | N22620 | Portugal | 2.5 |
Col-0 | N22625 | USA | 32.5 |
Col (gl1–2) | CS3126† | USA | 4.0‡ |
Cvi-0 | N22614 | Cape Verde | 104.3 |
Est-1 | N22629 | Russia | 39.3 |
Kas-2 | CS6751 | India | 9 |
Kin-0 | N22654 | USA | 14 |
Ler-1 | N22618 | Germany | 14.3 |
Ler (gl1–1) | CS64* | Germany | 0 |
Mr-0 | N22640 | Italy | 23.3 |
Ms-0 | N22655 | Russia | 43.6‡ |
Nd-1 | N22619 | Switzerland | 47 |
Se-0 | N22646 | Spain | 30.5 |
Shahdara | N22652 | Tajikistan | 55.5 |
Tsu-1 | N22641 | Japan | 11.3 |
Van-0 | N22627 | Canada | 20.8 |
Ws-2 | N22659 | Russia | 33.3 |
The table shows the stock ID, locality and trichome density (no./cm2: Atwell et al. [35])
*Obtained through Kiyotaka Okada Laboratory of Kyoto University, Japan
†Obtained through Dr. M. Ohto
‡Estimated from the relative trichome density to Col-0 accession presented in previous publications (Hauser et al. [43] and Yoshida et al. [39] for Ms-0 and gl1–2, respectively)