Figure 4.
Syngeneic single pancreatic donor encapsulated islet transplantation in retrievable extrahepatic site. (A) Unencapsulated islets or islets encapsulated in PEG-RGD microgels or alginate capsules were transplanted in the EFP via a vasculogenic degradable hydrogel vehicle. (B) Nonfasting blood glucose of functioning grafts (n = 4 for unencapsulated, n = 5 PEG-RGD, n = 3 alginate) was monitored out to 100 days post-transplant, and (C) average blood glucose values post day 50 were averaged to evaluate overall graft glycemic control (one-way ANOVA using Dunn’s multiple comparison test). (D) Survival curves indicate overall diabetes reversal rates of single pancreatic donor (Log-rank Mantel-Cox test). IPGTT at endpoint (day 90–100, E) demonstrates average functioning graft response to bolus glucose (one-way ANOVA using Dunn’s multiple comparison test). (F) Individual recipient blood glucose traces of functioning grafts demonstrate function prior to graft removal (black arrows). ** P < 0.01, **** P < 0.001.