Figure 11.
Photophysical evaluation and LTA4-hydrolase peptidase assay with LTA4H-Photoswitch. (A, B) Enzymatic reactions catalyzed by LTA4-hydrolase. (C) The UV–vis spectrum of LTA4H-Photoswitch in the dark-adapted (black, trans), 365 nm adapted (gray, cis), and 460 nm adapted (blue, trans) photostationary states. (D) Reversible cycling between isomers with alternating illumination at 365/460 nm. (E) Schematic depiction of l-alanine 4-nitroanilide cleavage by LTA4H (PDB: 2VJ8(34)). (F) LTA4H peptidase assay with LTA4 h (1.1 μg) and l-alanine 4-nitroanilide (1 mM) in the presence and absence of cis-LTA4H-Photoswitch at different concentrations. Samples were irradiated with 460 nm light after 4 min to yield trans-LTA4H-Photoswitch. The slope of 4-nitroaniline absorption (λ = 410 nm) was plotted. (G, H) Representative traces of 4-nitroaniline absorption (λ = 410 nm) before and after application of 460 nm light. Samples were run in triplicates. Error bars represent SEM ** p < 0.01, n.s., not significant, student’s t-test.