Cannabinoid ligand binding and docking to CB2 receptor 5XRA (agonist‐bound) and 5TGZ (antagonist‐bound) models. (A) Saturation binding of [3H]‐CP55,940 in HEK293A cells expressing hCB2 receptor‐GFP2. (B) Competition binding with 1 nM [3H]CP55,940. Data were fit with the one site model. Data are mean ± SEM; n = 6–14 independent experiments. (C–H) The perspective is from the lipid bilayer. Helices are blue (I), light blue (II), turquoise (III), seafoam (IV), green (V), gold (VI) and orange (VII). (C) CP55,940 (black), (D) 2‐AG (purple), (E) THC (light green), (F) CBD (pink), (G) CBD‐DMH (grey) and (H) SR144528 (dark green). Interacting residues described in Table S2.