The Gauting locoregional lung adenocarcinoma donors (GLAD) study overview and main results at the mid‐2016 census. (A) Venn diagram of current smoking and COPD prevalence, and LADC incidence over the GLAD study period in Bavaria. Data were obtained from the present study, from the Bavaria cancer registry, and from references 16‐18. (B) Study flowchart. (C) Study timeline. (D) Cumulative relapse events observed by site at the 30‐day postresection and long‐term follow‐up benchmarks. Shown are number of observations (n) and χ
2 test probability (P). (E) Kaplan‐Meier plots and estimates of overall and disease‐free survival with patient numbers at risk, events observed, and patients censored (graph) and actual (excluding censored observations) percentage of patients surviving at 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 years postresection (table)