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. 2019 Mar 4;42(5):910–918. doi: 10.2337/dc18-0575

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of sample by sex

Variable Men Women P value
Treatment assignment, N (%) 0.8197
 DSE 1,038 (49.9) 1,537 (50.2)
 Lifestyle intervention 1,044 (50.1) 1,526 (49.8)
Age (years) 59.93 (0.15) 57.91 (0.12) <0.0001
Race/ethnicity, N (%) <0.0001
 African American/Black (not Hispanic) 189 (9.08) 615 (20.1)
 American Indian/Native American/Alaskan Native 55 (2.64) 203 (6.63)
 Asian/Pacific Islander 16 (0.77) 34 (1.11)
 White 1,584 (76.1) 1,668 (54.5)
 Hispanic 197 (9.46) 483 (15.8)
 Other/mixed 41 (1.97) 59 (1.93)
Prior CVD, N (%) 439 (21.1) 275 (8.98) <0.0001
BMI (kg/m2) 35.18 (0.12) 36.46 (0.11) <0.0001
WC (cm) 118.5 (0.29) 110.8 (0.24) <0.0001
Insulin use, N (%) 389 (18.7) 5 90 (19.3) 0.6040
HbA1c (% [mmol/mol]) 7.26 [56] (0.03) 7.29 [56] (0.02) 0.4383
Antihypertensive use, N (%) 1,588 (76.3) 2,253 (73.6) 0.0292
SBP (mmHg) 128.5 (0.36) 129.0 (0.32) 0.2573
DBP (mmHg) 73.21 (0.20) 68.05 (0.17) <0.0001
Lipid-lowering medication use, N (%) 1,238 (59.5) 1,384 (45.2) <0.0001
LDL (mg/dL) 107.0 (0.68) 115.9 (0.60) <0.0001
HDL (mg/dL) 38.04 (0.20) 47.20 (0.22) <0.0001
Total cholesterol (mg/dL) 182.1 (0.80) 197.1 (0.69) <0.0001
TGs (mg/dL) 191.5 (2.75) 175.0 (2.00) <0.0001
ABI outside normal range (<0.9 or >1.3), N (%) 391 (18.8) 272 (8.88) <0.0001
Smoking, N (%) <0.0001
 Never 782 (37.7) 1,795 (58.7)
 Former 1,198 (57.7) 1,132 (37.0)
 Current 95 (4.58) 132 (4.32)
Maximal METs achieved 7.95 (0.05) 6.67 (0.03) <0.0001
HRT use, N (%) NA 501 (16.4) <0.0001
BDI 4.87 (0.10) 6.21 (0.09) <0.0001
 Cognitive-affective subscale 1.98 (2.79 2.53 (3.08) <0.0001
 Somatic subscale 2.89 (2.37) 3.67 (2.74) <0.0001
BDI ≥10, N (%) 283 (13.6) 649 (21.3) <0.0001
ADM use, N (%) 253 (12.6) 595 (20.1) <0.0001
Type of ADM used, N (%) 0.4214
 SSRI 149 (55.6) 378 (57.8)
 TCA 52 (19.4) 124 (19.0)
 SNDRI 34 (12.7) 57 (8.7)
 SNRI 17 (6.3) 49 (7.5)
 SerMod 16 (6.0) 46 (7.0)

Data are mean (SE) unless otherwise indicated. ABI, ankle-brachial index; DSE, diabetes support and education; HRT, hormone replacement therapy; NA, not applicable; SerMod, serotonin modulator; SNDRI, serotonin-norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor; SNRI, serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. Among AMD users, 1.34% of men and 4.07% of women were taking two types of ADM; 0.44% of men and 0.49% of women were taking three types of ADM.