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. 2019 Apr 29;16:55. doi: 10.1186/s12985-019-1147-3

Table 1.

Characteristics of alfalfa-associated nucleorhabdovirus (AaNV) encoded proteins [sizes in amino acids (aa), molecular masses (MW) in kilo Dalton (kDa), the isoelectric points (IEP), predicted cell nuclear localisation signals (cNLS) and nuclear export signals (NES)]

Putative gene function Gene Size
pairwise aa sequence identity (%) IEP Predicted NLS NES position
BCaRV-1 DYVV Position Partite aa sequence cNLS Mapper Score Predicted location
Nucleocapsid protein N 443 50.3 33.5 36.6 7.1 408 Bic RAGIKRQAGDHETQGTKRARTS 12.7 eN 351
Phosphoprotein P 363 41.1 11.5 14 6.4 146 Monod RGNKRRKRSD 10 eN ND
Putative cell-to-cell movement protein P3 322 37.2 14.6 22.4 8.6 17 Bi PTKKRTSQDKYNFRSTESLYAEPYNKIIRTK 7 pN ND
Matrix protein M 277 31.4 14.9 16.5 7.6 213 Bi RSSVKITGKQMRARSSSRSRSPYKVSLSSNKRTYLD 4.3 N/Cp 136
Unknown protein U 113 12.4 NAa NA 4.0 NDb ND ND ND NA 31
Glycoprotein G 629 71.6 26.4 24.6 7.3 443 Bi KSAYKKKLPYEVTAWNGDKIMSEYPYKNIVVE 6 pN ND
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase L 2038 234.8 35.8 36.7 7.8 780 Bi EKTAIKRRMRAFRDDLGQKMKKR 10 eN 88,90 and 149

The amino acid sequence identities between the putative gene products of AaNV and those of black currant-associated rhabdovirus 1 (BCaRV-1; MF543022) and datura yellow vein virus (DYVV; NC_028231). The predicted protein cell nuclear localisation signal (cNLS; Mapper score and Nuclear export signals (NES) are also mentioned. The cut-off values of the cNLS mapper scores: 8, 9, or 10 = the protein is predicted to be exclusively localised to the nucleus (eN), 6, 7 or 8 = partially localised to the nucleus (pN), 3, 4, or 5 = localised to both the nucleus and the cytoplasm (N/Cp), and 1 or 2 = localised to the cytoplasm (Cp). aNA: not applicable. bND: not detectable. cBi: Predicted bipartite NLSd Mono: Predicted monopartite NLS