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. 2019 Apr 29;20:326. doi: 10.1186/s12864-019-5696-z

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Phylogenetic identification and domain structures of the 67 PUB genes in barley. a. Full-length amino-acid sequences of PUB genes in Arabidopsis, rice and barely were analyzed using the Clustal X2 software. The tree was constructed by neighbor-joining method after bootstrap analysis for 1000 replicates [11]. b. Domain structures of the 67 PUB genes into 8 different classes. Green box, U-box domain; brown box, UFD2 UB chain assembly domain; sky blue box, ARM repeat domain; yellow box, kinase domain; cyan box, WD40 protein interaction domain; violet box, TPR; light green box, DJ-1 domain. C. Domain organization of PUB genes in Arabidopsis, rice and barley