Fig. 1.
Comparative analysis of transcriptomes from P. oxalicum strain HP7-1 cultivated in media containing WR under SSF and SmF. a KEGG annotation of proteins encoded by DEGs in HP7-1_WR-S compared with HP7-1_WR-L. The screening criteria for DEGs were |log2-fold change| ≥ 0.8 and probability ≥ 1.0. b Number of upregulated and downregulated DEGs involved in metabolism in HP7-1_WR-S. c Number of upregulated and downregulated DEGs involved in genetic information processing in HP7-1_WR-S. d Transcriptional levels of DEGs involved in glycolysis/gluconeogenesis and the TCA cycle in HP7-1_WR-S. e Transcriptional levels of DEGs encoding putative TFs in HP7-1_WR-S. HP7-1_WR-S, P. oxalicum strain HP7-1 cultivated on solid medium containing WR under SSF; HP7-1_WR-L, P. oxalicum strain HP7-1 cultivated in liquid medium containing WR under SmF. WR, wheat bran plus rice straw; SSF, solid-state fermentation; SmF, submerged fermentation