Fig. 2.
Screening and identification of novel regulatory genes involved in cellulase production in P. oxalicum during SSF. a FPase activities of deletion mutants of P. oxalicum strain ∆PoxKu70 obtained through deletion of candidate regulatory genes during SSF using WR as the carbon source for 5 days after inoculation. *p ≤ 0.05 and **p ≤ 0.01 indicate significant differences between deletion mutants and parental strain ∆PoxKu70 (Student’s t tests). b Analysis of conserved domains in the POX08292 protein. c Phylogenetic tree of POX08292 and its putative homologs. The tree was constructed based on the neighbour-joining method and Poisson model. Bootstrap values, derived from 1000 replicates, are shown at nodes. WR wheat bran plus rice straw, SSF solid-state fermentation