Trial name or title | Randomised controlled trial of early versus late ureteric stent removal post kidney transplant |
Methods | Parallel RCT |
Participants | Sample size set at 350 based on power calculations. To include all adults receiving at kidney either living or deceased donor |
Interventions | Group A ‐ removal of ureteric stent on day 6‐8 post‐transplant Group B ‐ removal of ureteric stent during week 4‐6 post‐transplant |
Outcomes | Primary outcome: composite incidence of UTI and ureteric complications Secondary outcome: incidence of UTI, urine leak, stenosis, patient death, graft loss, surgical complications, immunological complications, readmission and length of stay, medical complications Measure at 3 months post‐transplant |
Starting date | 1/1/2014 |
Contact information | Dept of Surgery Addenbrookes |
Notes |
eGFR ‐ estimated glomerular filtration rate; MUC ‐ major urological complications; RCT ‐ randomised controlled trial; SCr ‐ serum creatinine; UTI ‐ urinary tract infection