Study | Reason for exclusion |
Bennion 1985 | Results presented include non‐randomised patients. Randomisation technique unclear. Distal grafts included, not intention to treat |
Chikiar 2003 | Retrospective, non‐randomised study (not an RCT or CCT): retrospective study where data were collected from patient records |
Erasmi 1996 | The trial was performed in patients having femoro‐popliteal bypass both above and below the knee. Outcomes for the above‐ and below‐knee subgroups were not reported so it was not possible to include the trial |
Hamann 1998 | Randomisation technique unclear, above‐knee, below‐knee and distal bypasses inseparable (English title states above‐knee but methods talk about below‐knee bypass) |
Hobson 1980 | Case series, not randomised trial data |
Johnson 2000 | Inadequate randomisation process. Quote: "the choice between a PTFE and HUV bypass graft was randomized in the operating room, initially to favour saphenous vein." The data were presented as vein versus HUV versus PTFE and was inseparable for analysis |
Kreienberg 2002 | Bypass to any below‐knee artery, not just popliteal. Randomisation technique unclear |
Kumar 1995 | Unclear randomisation process. Results never fully published in paper form, only as two abstracts. Data presented as vein versus PTFE versus Dacron and were inseparable for analysis |
Lindholt 2011 | The trial was performed in patients having femoro‐popliteal bypass both above and below the knee. Outcomes for the above‐ and below‐knee subgroups were not reported so it was not possible to include the trial |
Linni 2015 | The trial was performed in patients having femoro‐popliteal and more distal bypass. Outcomes for the subgroups of patients with distal anastomosis the above‐knee popliteal or below‐knee popliteal artery were not reported so the study could not be included |
Lundgren 2013 | The trial was performed in both patients having femoro‐popliteal bypass below the knee and patients having femoro‐distal bypass. Outcomes for the subgroup having femoro‐popliteal bypass alone were not reported |
McCollum 1991 | Unable to separate above‐ and below‐knee data |
Midy 2016 | Trial failed to recruit 30% of planned patients, and lost 26% of these to follow up. Results only presented at 5 years follow‐up using an unusual system to impute missing data |
Moody 1992 | Unable to separate above‐ and below‐knee data |
Motta 1989 | Above‐knee, below‐knee and distal bypasses inseparable; unclear randomisation |
NCT00617279 | Trial terminated by sponsor due to slow recruitment. No results available |
NCT00845585 | Trial withdrawn prior to enrolment of any patients |
Robinson 1999 | Unable to separate above‐ and below‐knee data. A proportion of both above‐ and below‐knee anastomoses included endarterectomies and or vein cuffs which the study authors concede produced a significant difference in patency without giving detailed subgroup analysis. Unclear randomisation |
Robinson 2003 | Unable to separate above‐ and below‐knee data. Below‐knee anastomotic site described as 'distal' in some cases without detailed anatomical description. A proportion of both above‐ and below‐knee anastomoses included endarterectomies and or vein cuffs which the study authors concede produced a significant difference in patency without giving detailed subgroup analysis. Unclear randomisation |
Schulman 1987 | Patients received both above‐ and below‐knee bypass grafts but results presented together. Poor randomisation (month of birth) |
Tilanus 1985 | Unable to separate above‐ and below‐knee data. Unclear randomisation technique |
Veith 1986 | Unable to separate above‐ and below‐knee data. Inadequate randomisation (hospital number, card pulling, random number generator) |
Watelet 1997 | The trial was performed in patients having femoro‐popliteal bypass both above and below the knee. Outcomes for the above‐ and below‐knee subgroups were not reported so it was not possible to include the trial |
Zilla 1994 | Unable to separate above‐ and below‐knee data, not intention to treat. Inadequate randomisation (random number generator, concealment not stated) |
CCT: clinically controlled trial HUV: human umbilical vein PTFE: polytetrafluoroethylene RCT: randomised controlled trial