Figure 1:
(a) Camera set-up showing the camera mounted on the detachable arm over the 64-channel head coil from the front of the scanner and (b) from the back. (c) Camera to scanner coordinate calibration procedure showing the surface model of the subject’s head generated from an MPRAGE scan (blue) and the reference point cloud (gray; eye regions cropped) after the iterative closest point search. The resulting matrix transformation was used to convert motion estimates to scanner coordinates from camera coordinates during prospectively corrected scans. (d) A representative 3D point cloud reconstruction of a subject’s face viewed through the opening of the 64-channel head coil. (e) During motion tracking, point cloud reconstructions were registered to the green reference point cloud to provide motion estimates. Note that the coil is visible to the left of the face but it is not included in the green reference and therefore does not influence motion estimation. Examples of point cloud reconstructions during (f) ginger and (g) pineapple phantom experiments.