Fig. 5.
Effects of JWH133 on evoked EPSCs and IPSCs in VTA DA neurons. (a) Representative typical traces of paired-pulse (50 ms interval) stimulation-induced eEPSCs before (left trace pair) and after (right trace pair) exposure to JWH133. Bar graph illustrating that JWH133 (10 μM) altered neither eEPSC amplitude (b) nor P2/P1 ratio (c) in 10 VTA slices tested. (d) Representative typical traces of paired-pulse (50 ms interval) stimulation-induced eIPSCs before (left trace pair) and after (right trace pair) exposure to JWH133. Bar graph illustrating that JWH133 (10 μM) did not change eIPSC amplitude (e) and P2/P1 ratio (f) in 10 VTA slices tested.