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. 2019 Apr 30;9:6711. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-43160-3

Table 2.

Model selection table is shown for the generalized linear models (with binomial errors) of the number of engorged nymphs per bank vole (nymphs.engorged).

Model Model structure df logLik AICc Delta Weight (%)
model003 nymphs.engorged~E 2 −109.353 222.831 0.000 67.575
model002 nymphs.engorged~E + S 3 −109.316 224.881 2.051 24.235
model001 nymphs.engorged~E + S + E:S 4 −109.315 227.051 4.221 8.189
model010 nymphs.engorged~geno2 3 −121.250 248.751 25.920 0.000
model022 nymphs.engorged~geno5 2 −122.638 249.399 26.569 0.000

The analysis was done on the entire data set of 100 bank voles. Of the 29 models, the top 5 models are shown; the top 3 models have 99.999% of the support. Table S09 in the ESM shows all 29 models. The fixed factors are experiment (E), sex (S), and TLR2 genotype. TLR2 genotype was modelled in 8 different ways (geno1, geno2, geno3, geno4, geno5, geno6, geno7, and geno8). For each model, the model structure, model degrees of freedom (df), log likelihood, corrected AIC value (AICc), difference in AICc from the top model (Delta), and the support (Weight) expressed as a percent are shown.