Table 1.
Study characteristics of the nine included studies on the diagnostic accuracy of endometrial cytological sampling.
Study | Year/country | Cytological sampling and preparation | Histologic sampling | Menopausal status | Sample size | TP | FP | TN | FN | PPV % | NPV % |
Maksem et al. (10) | 1997 USA | Tao brush/ LBC | Hysterectomy | Pre/post | 100 | 18 | 1 | 81 | 0 | 94.7 | 100.0 |
Garcia et al. (11) | 2003 England | Uterobrush/ LBC | Biopsy/D&C/ hysterectomy | Pre/post | 60 | 7 | 2 | 49 | 2 | 77.8 | 96.1 |
Papaefthimiou et al. (12) | 2005 Greece | Endogyn/ LBC | Hysterectomy | Peri/post | 491 | 191 | 5 | 292 | 3 | 97.4 | 99.0 |
Andrijono et al. (13) | 2005 Indonesia | Cytobrush/ LBC | D&C | Peri/post | 45 | 5 | 3 | 24 | 13 | 62.5 | 64.9 |
Buccoliero et al. (14) | 2007 Italy | Endoflower/ LBC | Hysteroscopy and biopsy | Pre/post | 531 | 29 | 0 | 501 | 1 | 100.0 | 99.8 |
Kipp et al. (15) | 2008 USA | Tao Brush/LBC | Hysterectomy | Pre/post | 137 | 83 | 17 | 33 | 4 | 83.0 | 89.2 |
Yanoh et al. (16) | 2012 Japan | Uterobrush/ endocyte/ endosearch/ softcyto/tube /cottonswab/NA | Biopsy/D&C | NA | 1045 | 328 | 25 | 605 | 87 | 92.9 | 87.4 |
Remondi et al. (17) | 2013 Italy | Endoflower/ LBC | Hysteroscopy and biopsy | Post | 98 | 11 | 4 | 82 | 1 | 73.3 | 98.8 |
Yang et al. (18) | 2017 China | SAP-1 sampler/ LBC | D&C | Pre/post | 1672 | 154 | 167 | 1286 | 65 | 48.0 | 95.2 |
LBC, Liquid - based cytology; NA, not available; D&C, dilatation and curettage.