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. 2018 Oct 18;28(2):175–188. doi: 10.1002/hec.3834

Table 4.

Correction of previous estimates of H1N1 admissions and costs based on our seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA)–generated findings

Country Number of H1N1 admissions during the pandemic period (previous studies) Number of H1N1 admissions during the pandemic period (corrected based on our estimated excess admissions)a [95% CI] H1N1 unit cost (previous studies) Total cost of all H1N1 hospital admissions during the pandemic period(corrected based on our estimated excess admissions)f [95% CI]
Lower bound (1.31)b Upper bound (4.28)c Lower bound (1.31)b Upper bound (4.28)c
United States 274,304 (Shrestha et al., 2011) 131,145.34d [119,132.03, 144,159.77] 428,474.87 [388,430.49, 468,519.25] $11,536.59 $1,512,970,018 [$1,374,377,385.98, $1,663,112,160.98] $4,943,138,900.49 [$4,481,163,306.63, $5,405,114,494.36]
Spain 3,025 (Galante et al., 2012) 3,962.75 [3,599.75, 4,356] 12,947 [11,737, 14,157] $6,603.17 $26,166,711.92 [$23,769,761.21, $28,763,408.52] $90,578,324.16 [$77,501,406.29, $93,481,077.69]
Greece 133 (Zarogoulidis et al., 2012) 18,177.99e [16,512.83, 19,981.92] 59,390.69 [53,840.16, 64,941.22] $4,086.04 $74,276,021.50 [$67,472,094.93, $81,646,904.78] $242,672,744.77 [$219,993,049, $265,352,440.55]
Australia and New Zealand 762 (Higgins et al., 2011) 998.22 [906.78, 1,097.28] 3,261.36 [2,956.56, 3,566.16] $5,735.70 $5,725,490.45 [$5,201,018.05, $6,293,668.90] $18,706,182.55 [$16,957,941.19, $20,454,423.91]
New Zealand 1,122 (Wilson et al., 2012) 1,469.82 [1,335.18, 1,615.68] 4,802.16 [4,353.36, 5,250.96] $11,646.18 $17,117,788.29 [$15,549,746.61, $18,816,500.10] $55,926,819.75 [$50,700,014.16, $61,153,625.33]

Number of excess admissions had these studies used SARIMA, calculated as the number of H1N1 admissions found in each study multiplied by the range of which SARIMA estimates exceeded England studies' estimates.


Lower bound of the range that SARIMA estimates exceeded England studies' estimates = 1.31 (95% CI: 1.19, 1.44; Bolotin et al., 2012).


Upper bound of the range that SARIMA estimates exceeded England studies' estimates = 4.28 (95% CI: 3.88, 4.68; Campbell et al., 2011).


Shrestha calculations were made by first dividing 274,304, their hospitalization estimates, by their corrector, 2.74, to equal 100,110.95, then multiplying by the range of which SARIMA estimates exceeded England studies' estimates.


Zarogouldis et al. reported 133 H1N1 admissions in three hospitals; as there are 313 hospitals in Greece (European Hospital and Healthcare Federation, 2015), we calculated (313/3) × 133 = 13,876.33 H1N1 admissions across Greece. This was then multiplied by the range of which SARIMA estimates exceeded England studies' estimates.


Excess hospitalization costs calculated as each study's country‐specific number of admissions multiplied by the corrector had SARIMA been used (columns 3 and 4) multiplied by the unit cost reported in each study (column 5).