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. 2019 Jan 19;66(1):4–119. doi: 10.1111/jeu.12691
Higher level ranks and supergroups Phylum Important sub‐divisions in Chinese characters Common name translation
Amoebozoa Tubulinea Corycida (皮殼葉状根足綱) 皮壳管状根足纲 Leathery‐shell amoebae
Echinamoebida (多針葉状根足綱) 多针管状根足纲 Amoebae with spiny pseudopodia
Elardia (三組葉状根足綱) 三组管状根足纲 Amoeboid group including three groups (Euamoebida, Leptomyxida, Arcellinida)
Arcellinida (有殼葉状變形綱) 有壳管状根足纲 Testate amoebae partially enclosed in a simple shell
Evosea Variosea (多圓錐型 根足綱) 多圆锥型根足纲 Amoebae with many conical‐shaped pseudopodia
Eumycetozoa (眞菌根足綱) 真粘菌根足纲 Genuine (mushroom) slime mold amoebae
Cutosea (眞皮根足綱) 真皮根足纲 Amoebae with a discrete skin
Archamoebea (原始根足綱) 古变形纲 Ancient (first) amoebae
Discosea Stygamoebida (細片根足綱) 细片根足纲 Amoebae with pseudopodia resembling tooth‐pick or splinters
Centramoebia (中心體根足綱) 中心体根足纲 Centrosome‐bearing amoebae
Incertae sedis Holozoa Filasterea (星狀絲足綱) 星状丝足纲 Rounded amoebae with pseudopodia like fingers
Ichtyosporea (孢子型魚病根足綱) 孢子型鱼病根足纲 Fish pathogenic amoebae forming a spore
Choanoflagellata (立襟鞭毛綱) 领鞭毛纲 Flagellates with a collar‐like ring
Porifera Demospongiae (普通海綿綱) 普通海绵纲 Common sponges
Homoslceromorpha (同骨海綿綱) 同骨海绵纲 Sponge with undifferentiated cytoskeleton
Calcarea (石灰海綿綱) 石灰海绵纲 Chalk sponges
Hexactinellida (玻璃海綿綱) 玻璃海绵纲 Glass sponges
Nucletmycea Opisthosporidia Aphelidea (藻寄生性根足綱) 藻寄生性根足纲 Amoeboid endobiotic parasitoids of algae
Microsporidia (原始寄生性擬菌綱) 原始寄生拟菌纲 Primitive fungus‐like parasite
Blastocladiales(厚壁囊菌綱) 厚壁囊菌纲 Fungi having a thick‐walled resting spore
Neocallimastigaceae (新多鞭毛菌綱) 新美鞭菌纲 New fungi having many/pretty flagella
Chytridiomycota (壺狀菌綱) 壶菌纲 Fungi resembling a broken‐cracked egg
Mucoromycota (粘液菌綱) 粘液菌纲 Mucoid or sugar fungi
Zoopagomycota (動物生菌綱) 捕虫霉纲 Fungi growing on animals, Fungi able to catch bugs
Taphrinomycotina (外囊菌綱) 外囊菌纲 Fungi having an outer ascus
Saccharomycetales (酵母菌綱) 酵母菌纲 Fungi associated with fermentation
Pezizomycotina (周鉢菌綱) 盘菌纲 (Bowl‐shaped fungi), plate‐shaped fungi
Agaricomycotina (擔子菌綱) 担子菌纲 Fungi forming a sterigma
Pucciniomycotina (銹菌綱) 柄锈菌纲 Fungi with stem and is associated with rust disease
Ustilaginomycotina (黑穗菌綱) 黑穗菌纲 Fungi associated with smut disease
Wallemiomycotina (無子實體菌綱) 无子实体菌纲 Fungi without palisade of basidia
Rhodophyceae Proteorhodophytina (原始紅藻綱) 原始红藻纲 Primitive red algae
Eurhodophytina (眞正紅藻綱) 真红藻纲 Genuine red alage, which have two phases or three phases
Chloroplastida Chlorophyta (綠藻綱) 绿藻纲 Green algae
Charophyta (輪藻綱) 轮藻纲 Wheel‐shaped green algae
Bigyra Nanomonadea (矮小鞭毛綱) 微小鞭毛纲 Tiny brown flagellates
Opalinata (皮下共生鞭毛綱) 蛙片虫纲 Animal endobionts; Flagellates mostly found in frog, with a flat shape like a slice
Placidida (小突起鞭毛綱) 小突起鞭毛纲 Flagellate having a papilla
Bicosoecida (毫髮鞭毛綱) 毫发鞭毛纲 Flagellates having tiny flagellar hairs
Labyrinthulomycetes (網形鞭毛綱) 网丝鞭毛纲 Gliding flagellates producing a network of filaments
Pseudophyllomitidae (非附着鞭毛綱) 无附着鞭毛纲 Flagellates lacking the two adhering flagella
Gyrista Developea (後固着鞭毛綱) 后附鞭毛纲 Flagellates with adhering posterior flagellum
Hyphochytriales (菌絲體鞭毛綱) 菌丝体鞭毛纲 Flagellates having hypha‐like structures
Peronosporomycetes (植物病原體擬菌綱) 植病拟菌纲 Fungus‐like plant pathogens
Pirsoniales (硅藻寄生綱) 硅藻寄生纲 Diatom parasites
Actinophryidae (太陽綱) 太阳纲 Sunlight (or star light)‐shaped protozoa
Chrysophyceae (黃褐藻綱) 金藻纲 Golden brown algae
Eustigmatales (眞眼點褐藻綱) 真眼点褐藻纲 Brown algae with a big eye spot
Phaeophyceae (大褐藻綱) 褐藻纲 The large brown algae
Phaeothamniophyceae (黃赤藻綱) 褐枝藻纲 Yellow‐red algae with branches
Raphidophyceae (針鞭毛藻綱) 针胞藻纲 Algae with needle shaped flagellum
Xanthophyceae (黃綠藻綱) 黄绿藻纲 Yellow‐green algae
Bolidomonas (迅游泳藻綱) 迅游藻纲 Diatom‐like algae with rapid swimming
Diatomeae Diatomeae (硅褐藻綱) 硅褐藻纲 Brown algae like glass box with lid
Dictyochophyceae (硅質鞭毛藻綱) 硅鞭藻纲 Algae producing a siliceous skeleton
Pelagophyceae (浮生褐藻綱) 浮生褐藻纲 Filamentous brown algae living in the sea; brown algae living a planktonic habitat
Pinguiophyceae (脂褐藻綱) 脂褐藻纲 Brown algae containing (a high concentration of) fatty acids
Incertae sedis Alveolata Colpodellida (捕食性鞭毛綱) 捕食鞭毛纲 Predatory flagellates
Dinoflagellata Syndiniales (共生性渦鞭毛藻綱) 共生涡鞭藻纲 Parasitic dinoflagellates, symbiotic dinoflagellates
Noctilucales (夜光藻綱) 夜光藻纲 Algae with bioluminescence
Dinophyceae (渦鞭毛藻綱) 涡鞭藻纲 Algae with spiraling motility, algal flagellates with a spiral or girdle groove
Apicomplexa Aconoidasida (無圓錐頂端複合體綱) 无圆锥体顶复纲 Apicomplexa lacking a conoid
Conoidasida (圓錐頂端複合體綱) 圆锥体顶复纲 Apicomplexa possessing a conoid
Ciliophora Karyorelictea (核殘跡纖毛綱) 核残迹纤毛纲 Ciliophores having relict of parents’ macronulei
Heterotrichea (異毛纖毛綱) 异毛纤毛纲 Ciliophores with different length of flagella
Spirotrichea (型 旋纖毛綱) 旋唇纤毛纲 Ciliophores with spiraling adoral zone of membranelles
Armophorea (鬪帽纖毛綱) 盔帽纤毛纲 Ciliophores having the appearance of military helmets
Litostomatea (裂口纖毛綱) 裂口纤毛纲 Ciliophores with a cytostome with oral dome
Phyllopharyngea (葉咽纖毛綱) 叶咽纤毛纲 Ciliophores with a leaf‐shaped cytopharynx
Colpodea (腎形纖毛綱) 肾形纤毛纲 Ciliophores with a kidney shape
Prostomatea (前口纖毛綱) 前口纤毛纲 Ciliophores with cytostome at the anterior pole
Plagiopylea (斜毛纖毛綱) 斜毛纤毛纲 Ciliophores with oblique slit flagella
Oligohymenophorea (貧膜纖毛綱) 寡膜纤毛纲 Ciliophores with a small paroral membrane
Nassophorea (篮口纖毛綱) 篮口纤毛纲 Ciliophores showing a basket‐shaped oral structure
Cercozoa Silicofilosea (硅質絲狀根足綱) 硅质丝足纲 Filose amoebae covered by siliceous or glass scales, vase‐shaped shell
Foraminifera Monothalamea (單房室有孔綱) 单房室有孔纲 Foraminiferans with single chamber test
Tubothalamea (管狀有孔綱) 管状有孔纲 Foraminiferans with tubular chamber test
Lagenida (單層有孔綱) 瓶状有孔纲 Foraminiferans with monolamellar test
Radiolaria Acantharia (放射棘綱) 等辐骨纲 Protozoa with axopods and filopodia; protist with radiated spicula of same length
Polycystinea (多孔囊綱) 多孔纲 Protozoa (with a sac) covered by many pores
Metamonada Fornicata (拱門形纖維綱) 拱形纤维纲 Protozoa with an arched B‐fiber
Parabasalia (副基体綱) 副基体纲 Protozoa with one or more parabasal apparatus
Preaxostyla (二重纖維綱) 二重纤维纲 Protozoa with I‐fiber with double‐cross matrix
Discoba Jakobida (單背翼綱) 单背翼纲 Protozoa with a single dorsal vane in the posterior flagellum
Heterolobosea (噴出形根足綱) 异叶足纲 Amoebae with eruptive pseudopodia; amoebae with differentiated leaf‐shaped pseudopodia
Euglenozoa Kinetoplastid (運動核質鞭毛類) 动质体纲 Protozoa with kinetoplast
Euglenid (軟豆鞭毛類) 软豆鞭毛类 Yellow‐green flagellates
Haptophyta Prymnesiophyceae (碳酸鑛物化藻綱) 碳酸质鳞片藻纲 Algae with CO2‐mineralized scales
Coccolithophorid (圓石藻類) 颗石藻类 Haptophyte with calcareous (chalk) scales
Centroplasthelida Pterocystida (無外骨格鞭毛綱) 无外骨骼鞭毛纲 Protozoa without any exoskeletal elements
Panacanthocystida (石鱗鞭毛綱) 石鳞鞭毛纲 Protozoa with siliceous scales or with organic spicules
Cryptista Cryptophyceae (隱鞭毛藻型) 隐藻纲 New algae with prominent ejectisomes; cryptic algae