Fig. 6.
CRWN1 associates with non-accessible chromatin at the nuclear periphery. a CRWN1:2HA ChIP qPCR on selected loci that are located in chromatin region covered with Green probes shown in Fig. 1d. This panel shows a representative of three independent experiments. Error bars stand for standard deviation. b Plots of chromatin-NP association patterns, which are revealed by different approaches. For NUP1:GFP RE-ChIP, it is calculated as the logarithm of the ratio between anti-GFP and IgG [27]; for CRWN1:2HA ChIP, it is calculated as the logarithm of the ratio between anti-HA and input. This plot shows the right arm of chromosome 1 in 50-kb windows. A 350-kb region highlight with a dotted box is further shown in c, and this region overlaps with that covered by Green probes shown in Fig. 1. c Comparison of CRWN1:2HA ChIP signals with various structural and epigenomic features plotted in 100-bp windows. Shaded regions in pink depict PLADs. DHs, DNase I hypersensitive sites. d Comparison of ATAC-seq signals between PLADs and their 1-kb flanking regions. *p < 2.2 × 10−16 based on the Mann-Whitney U test. e Relationship between CRWN1:2HA ChIP and ATAC-seq signals in PLADs (left) and 1-kb flanking regions flanking PLADs (right). For each plot, chromatin regions overlapping with ATAC-seq peaks are colored in red; *p < 2.2 × 10−16 based on the Mann-Whitney U test