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. 2019 Jan 29;2019(1):CD003331. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003331.pub5

Jónsdóttir 2006a.

Methods Parallel‐group RCT
Participants N randomised: 43 (exercise 21, control 22)
Diagnosis (% of participants):
Aetiology: ischaemic 79%, AF 12%, valvular 7%, hypertension 2%
NYHA: Class II and III
LVEF: exercise 41.5 (SD 13.6), control 40.6% (SD 13.7)
Case mix: as above
Age, years: exercise 68 (SD 7), control 69 (SD 5)
Male: 79%
White: not reported
Inclusion/exclusion criteria:
Inclusion: CHF diagnosis; on CHF medication; clinical symptoms of CHF; clinically stable > 3 months before study entrance; fulfilling 1 of the following criteria: previous MI, hospitalised because of CHF, lung oedema, and cardiac enlargement on X‐ray
Exclusion: chronic obstructive lung disease, orthopaedic disabilities, psychiatric disabilities, cancer, senility, age > 80 years
Interventions Exercise:
Total duration: 5 months
Aerobic/resistance/mix: mix
Frequency: 2 sessions/week
Duration: 45 minutes
Intensity: not reported
Modality: cycling, free weights, and elastic rubber bands (Thera‐bands)
Setting: hospital outpatients, supervised by physiotherapists
Other: training group given 3 educational lectures about nutrition, physical activity, and relaxation, in addition to the exercise programme
Control group / Comparison:
Usual medical care (continued previous level of physical activity, which varied from performing little physical activity to taking a daily walk outdoors)
Outcomes Rehospitalisation; mortality
Country and setting Iceland
Single centre
Follow‐up 12 months and 28 months (after randomisation)
Notes Source of funding: none reported
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Not reported
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Not reported
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk Not reported
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk All outcomes described in the methods were reported in the results
Intention‐to‐treat analysis? Low risk Although not reported as an ITT analysis, groups did appear to be analysed according to the original randomised allocation
Incomplete outcome data? Low risk No losses to follow‐up
Groups balanced at baseline? Low risk Table 2 of the publication suggests that the 2 groups were well balanced
Groups received same intervention? Low risk Yes, both groups appeared to receive the same interventions apart from the CR intervention
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure