(A-B) Bmp2 endothelial CKO
and littermate Cre- control male (blue circles) and female mice
(red triangles) were sacrificed at 8 weeks of age (n=3–5 per sex per
group). Levels of (A) serum and (B) liver BMP2 were quantitated by ELISA. (C-G)
and littermate Cre- control male (blue circles, n=3–5
per group) and female (red triangles, n=6–8 per group) mice at 6 weeks of
age were injected with PBS or EPO (200 U per mouse) and tissues were collected
after 15 hours to determine relative (C) bone marrow erythroferrone
(Erfe), (D) liver Bmp2, and (G) liver
hepcidin (Hamp) mRNA levels by qRT-PCR. Transcript levels were
normalized to Rpl19. (E) Liver and (F) serum BMP2 protein
levels in female Cre- animals were determined by ELISA. Values
represent mean ± SEM. **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 relative to the
respective Cre- controls or PBS-treated controls of the same
genotype by Student’s t test. Fold-change relative to
PBS treated controls of the same genotype as calculated by
2-ΔΔCt are reported in panel G.