Altered inflammatory cytokines expression in gilz KO peripheral lymph nodes and spinal cord after SCI. (A–F) qPCR analysis in peripheral lymph nodes of IFN
γ (A), IL‐12 (B), IL‐4 (C), IL‐10 (D), Il‐17 (E), TGFβ (F), mRNA expression or (G–I) in spinal cord of IFNγ (G), IL‐12 (H), and IL‐10 (I) in mice not subjected to SCI (Sham WT and Sham KO mice) or after SCI (Sci WT and Sci KO). All data are presented relative to the expression of Actb mRNA. Results are shown as means ± SE (error bars); n = 5 mice/group. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.005; ***P < 0.0005, two‐tailed Student's t‐test.