Figure 1. HIV ssRNA40 increases expression of key inflammasome molecules and neurocytotoxicity inducing cytokine gene expression in microglial cells.
HMG cells were treated with ssRNA40 (5μg/mL), ssRNA41 (5μg/mL) or vehicle (LyoVec) control for 24h and 48h and analyzed for expression of IL-1β, IL-18, C1q, IL-1α and TNFα by qPCR and immunoblotting. (a) Relative fold change in IL1B and IL18 mRNA. (b) Top, Immunoblot showing expression of IL-1β, IL-18 and human β-Actin. Bottom, relative fold change in IL-1β, IL-18 protein normalized to β-Actin and compared to control cells (vehicle) (c) Relative fold change in mRNA expression of neurocytotoxicity inducing cytokines C1qa, IL1A, and TNF mRNA in microglia cells exposed to HIV RNA for 24h and 48h. (d) Left, Immunoblots showing expression of C1q, IL-1α, TNF-α, and β-Actin. Right, relative fold change in C1q, IL-1α, TNF-α protein normalized to β-Actin and compared to control cells (vehicle). Results are presented as mean ± SD, n=3; *P<0.05.