Figure 2. Inflammatory cytokines and neurocytotoxic cytokines released from human microglia following exposure to HIV ssRNA40.
(a) Top, membrane based array immunoblot showing expression profile of human cytokines and chemokines in culture supernatants from HMG cells exposed to ssRNA40, ssRNA41 or vehicle for 24h. Bottom, relative fold change in expression of selective cytokines and chemokines compared to control cells (ssRNA41). (b) Inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL18 release in culture supernatants from HMG cells treated with ssRNA40, ssRNA41 or vehicle for 24h and 48h. (c) Neurocytoxicity inducing cytokines C1q, IL-1α and TNF-α release in culture supernatants from HMG cells treated with ssRNA40, ssRNA41 or vehicle for 24h and 48h measured by ELISA. Results are presented as mean ± SD, n=3; *P<0.05.