Figure 9. HIV ssRNA40 mediated inflammasome activation results in accumulation of damaged mitochondria and reduced autophagy in microglial cells.
(a) HMG cells were treated with vehicle (LyoVec), ssRNA41 or ssRNA40. Intracellular ASC expression (green), aggregation (green speckle) and localization are analyzed by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy at 24h (top) and 48h (bottom). Perinuclear ASC speckle (dotted arrow) formation is specifically induced in ssRNA40 treated HMG cells (n=3). Intracellular expression and recruitment of OPTN (red) (b) and Poly-Ub (red) (c) on mitochondria (green, Tom20) in HMG stimulated with ssRNA40 for 24h (Top) and 48h (Bottom). Scale bar indicates 10µm. Data are representative of three independent donors (n=3). (d) Representative immunoblots showing the expression of autophagy receptors NDP52, OPTN, SQSTM1; core autophagy proteins LC3B, BECN1; and mitophagy associated proteins pTBK1, TBK1, Parkin in HMG following incubation with ssRNA40 for 24h (top) and 48h (bottom). Data are representative of three independent donors (n=3).